View Full Version : What would you do?? waterpump?

04-04-2009, 15:01
OK, here is the deal, I'm getting ready to emabark on a complete cooling system hose replacement. With this in mind, do I bite the bullet and replace the water pump while I'm in there. I'm thinking it is original at 156,000 plus miles on her.

Or, just swap out the hoses filler her up with new coolant and wait for some signs / symptoms of failure... hopefully not far from home.

I know once you start down this preventative road, you can get into a heap of money and time, with the might as well... thinking.

04-04-2009, 16:54
Hose replacement may not really be necessary, check for softness of the hoses, upper and lower, the upper one is the usually the first to need replacement, then check the lower.

But, if you're servicing for sake of new coolant, etc., then yes, replace them and forget about the waterpump if you're satisfied with it's condition.

Just check for slack of the bearing (after removing the serp belt), there will be a little, that's normal, but see how well it rolls, etc. That will tell you whether you should dig further.


04-04-2009, 18:20
I'm not changing for the sake of changing, I guess I should have clarified. The plastic "T" on one of my heater lines went south a week or so ago. I got it back together and have the replacements. After looking around I saw all the hoses were original vintage 1996. That is just a little too old for me, especially in the summer when I haul the family 200 miles round trip several times per month.

If I was just bombing around town, I would replace the "T and leave well enough alone.

I know some here are of the opinion, hose life is longer than the recommended three to four year life cycle.

I'll probably pull the serp off real quick and give the water pump a spin and see if I can feel anything.