View Full Version : 6.5 Newbie Questions

04-13-2005, 09:28
First off I should 'fess up that it isn't really a 6.5, but a 1985 6.2 fitted with 1995 6.5 turbo hardware. The truck runs really strong (way better than any of my old NA 6.2s), but I cannot figure out how to get the cruise working (original owner swears that it worked). Any help on that would be appreciated. For my super naive question, what is an FSD? I read some posts about a faulty FSD causing cruise problems. Also I get occaisional speed bursts (3-4 MPH) while driving at highway speeds. If any of you want to see what I am dealing with, pics are here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4532311514&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1

Any help is appreciated!

More Power
04-13-2005, 11:42
Congrats on your truck purchase. Looks like a nice truck!

The 80's trucks used a vacuum pump and actuator for the cruise control.

A couple of ways to go... 1- Locate all the original vacuum parts to make it work. 2- Install either a later diesel cruise control system or install an aftermarket cruise, like those offered through JCWhitney. Dr. Lee did this very thing a few years ago on his '84.

The #2 choices require a vehicle speed sensor to operate since your truck uses a cable driven speedo. The JCW kit comes with the parts to make it happen.


04-13-2005, 17:53
Originally posted by cwlehner:
what is an FSD? I read some posts about a faulty FSD causing cruise problems. Also I get occaisional speed bursts (3-4 MPH) while driving at highway speeds. FSD, Fuel Solenoid Driver, from the pics you don't have one. Although you've got a 6.5 fitted with all the hardware you don't have the 94+ Electronic DS4 injection system that has the FSD as part of the pump.

You've got a DB2 mechanical injection system, thats pretty much the same as what a 6.2 would of had. You shouldn't have much trouble out of it, the Electronic, now thats another story.

I don't see the Vacuum servo that mounts on top of the injection pump that pulls on the accelerator shaft on the IP. My suggestion, find an aftermarket cruise control setup as MP mentioned. The factory setup almost never worked on these trucks (none of mine work!!), I'm about to go down the same road.

Here is the pic for others to chime in..


[ 04-13-2005, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: john8662 ]