View Full Version : Which Bistein's for my 96 BURB?

03-19-2009, 17:00
Searched around looking for model numbers of Bilsteins people have been pleased with... no go.

So.. Can you tell me what model number of Bilsteins people are using on their rigs?

This is for my 96 2500. I'm thinking the HD Bilsteins as they are described are the one's I'm looking for but wanted to double check with the members here.

Thanks for the input

03-20-2009, 05:40
I can't remember the exact model, but I do know that Kennedy sells the right thing. I bought some a few years ago. Sorry, I know that doesn't completely help. The "HD" part sounds familiar, though. Although now that I think about it, aren't there only two models? The HD and some type of softer-riding model? If that's the case then I definitely got the HD.

03-20-2009, 13:50

That what I went with after shooting an email to JK last night.