View Full Version : Does my truck have a computer to use a chip

03-16-2009, 10:30
i was wondering can anyone tell me if my truck has a computer to chip it so i can get more horsepower out of my 93 6.5L turbo diesel. i help on a farm to pull trailers and i want to get more horse power and i didnt know if there was a computer so that i can chip my truck

03-16-2009, 10:37
Your year uses a replaceable chip (EPROM). Can be found for sale many places - only from a select few vendors will you get your money's worth. My suggestion is Kennedy Diesel or Heath.

You'll also find lot's of threads on this topic - when you have some time, try using the search function. Make sure you really do have some free time - you'll be amazed at how much content you'll find. :)

I don't know where you're from, but Wester's Garage is in Canada - might work better for you - and that place is reliable, as well.

03-16-2009, 11:33
93 6.5 should be a mechanical injection & mechanical boost controller. I don't think you can reprogram the computer for more power. 94 is the first year for EFI. You can put a bigger exhaust & pull the air intake snorkel out from between the inner & outer fender. This will give you a very noticable difference in power. You can turn up the IP & manually increase boost but you need to install EGT Gaugr to monitor temps.

03-16-2009, 12:04
93 6.5 should be a mechanical injection & mechanical boost controller. I don't think you can reprogram the computer for more power.

You know, I've been on this board for a few years now and I never knew that! For some reason I always thought the older ones still had a basic ECM. Thanks for the correction.

03-16-2009, 13:46
The 93 has a basic ECM to control the tranny (if equiped with an auto)

Then 93 will have a 4911 DB2 IP
If you change the wastegate controler to a Turbo master and then turn up the pump a little you can get more power.

You need to install a boost gauge and a pyro.

