View Full Version : Pretty bad oil leak with my 6.2 after stuck in mudhole, HELP

03-01-2009, 15:32
I just got my m1008 like a month ago. I just got new mud tires on it and wanted to test it, espcially after i pulled a stuck wrangler out of the spot i was in, well i got stuck, stuck up the front bumper and doors in muddy water slime crap. She sat for a few hours while we made every attempt go get it out, finally ending in paying a guy with a wrecker 5 bills. As we got back to the truck to pull it out, i noticed she was smoking more than usual, couldnt tell if it was oil burning or not. Long story short we get it pulled out and shortly after discover shes leaking oil pretty quickly. My house is only 5-10 mins out so i decide to shoot for it.

Well, as i get close to my house i hear what sounds like a glass marble bouncing around, in tune with the rpms of the motor, i took it as a sign she was critically low on oil but i was around the block from my house, so i got there and cut the engine asap. I get under and theres what looks like oil leaking from between the oil pan and tranny. Theres also some oil on my starter (but a second look shows none on top of the starter) and the filter. Shes not leaking oil while sitting, and i cant start her because the starter just clicks so im guessing its all gummed up.

At first i thought it was the Rear Main, but the smoking and the marble noise makes me worry i did some serious damage. I also heard it could be the CDR being blocked and is building up pressure in the motor? So oil would be pushed out of seals and gaskets? What/where is the cdr and how do i check it? I also head it could be from the valve covers or maybe its a head gasket? Could i have cracked the block? I did bottom out in the mudhole but i didnt go in fast at all, kinda crawled in. What could cause all these symtoms from being in the water/bottoming out? Im so worried i blew the motor and she wont even start it makes me sadhttp://coloradok5.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gifhttp://coloradok5.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gifhttp://coloradok5.com/forums/images/smilies/frown.gif.

Shes stuck parked out in the street now and its so depressing. I was thinking i could try the rear main myself as well as do all the fluids if i replace the started in the street and limp it to my grandmothers house if i can use the garage (too damn cold out to do any serious work, esp in the street) Otherwise im gonna bring it to my mechanic and im thinking 500-1000 right there.

Anyone got any ideas?

03-01-2009, 15:59
The first thing I'd do is stick a socket and breaker bar on the front pulley/damper on the crank and try to turn the engine over by hand. From your description, serious engine damage might have occurred. It might be possible that the starter is trying to turn the engine over, but the crank is seized due to running out of oil. How was the oil pressure during all of this episode?

If the engine doesn't turn over by hand, then you know you have some serious problems. If it does, you can breathe a small sigh of relief (still might be some damage) and move on to the other problems, like the starter.

Good luck!


03-01-2009, 16:17
the only thing the cucv has is an oil light, which wasnt lit at all during this whole thing. I forgot to mention i check the oil today and it was on the last cm of the dipstick, so i estimate she was only down by about 2 qts? Ill try that when theres no snow on the ground, but other than knowing she was leaking oil and that sound, she run fine until i shut her down, no sputtering or anything. Man im so nervous. i dont have the cash to blow on the mechanic fixing it yet and its about to snow a foot outside so, shell be sitting awhile i guess. Im such an idiot, kinda coulda used her in the snow

03-01-2009, 19:15
Welcome aboard, Dabba!

Sorry to hear of this. That truck should have been towed in. Yeah, I know. Now we tell you....

There are several possibilities with your scenario......

Bottoming out doesn't have to puncture, or even damage, the pan to have a bad leak. All that needs to happen, is the seal getting knocked loose. If it was submerged, it likely sucked in as much sludge as it puked out, if this happened.

If the pan is struck, the bottom can be pushed against the oil pickup. Either the pan will block the pickup opening, or can cause the pipe to break/bend, and/or knock it loose enough it falls out. This will starve the pump, and engine, of oil. If there is only oil on your dipstick (and in the pan), this is a likelihood. 2 qts low isn't enough to starve the engine.

It is possible the oil cooler lines were damaged and are leaking (or just gave up on their own, which they do on occasion). However, other than a small leak will pump the engine dry of oil in a hurry.

The "marbles" you heard was the lifters drying up. Once they pump out their existing oil, and have none to replace, you get a very bad lifter rattle. This is a very strong indicator it was, in fact, starved of oil, by some means. As soon as you hear this, on ANY engine, shut it down. Catastrophic failure isn't far behind.

I think you'll find the engine seized, in any case. The extent of damage depends on the order of failure, and how long it was ran. It could range from a "minor" overhaul, to boat anchor quality. Only a postmortem will tell you.

03-01-2009, 20:48
Well, that sounds rather depressing. I figured that sound was a good sign she was starved, but she didnt run for more than 1 to 2 minutes like that. Also the pan and everything underneath looks intact, no bends or breaks. The truck was sitting in mud for a few hours, running for those hours after she bottomed out. I assume if the leak were to occur right after i made the plunge then the engine would have seized shortly after i was stuck. But she kept running for hours. It looks like the leak started when i was pulled out. But in either case i did hear that sound so....

If i were to turn the engine over by hand, how hard is it to do..i mean physically? and facing the front of the engine, counterclockwise or clockwise? I mean maybe she leaked more oil than i thought..

Im also hearing it could be the cdr valve being gummed up, is there any opening to the outside or is the plumbing all "internal"?

Im worried i could have seized the engine too, but as i said, she was running okay right until i turned the key off, just that noise mildly...

03-01-2009, 21:17
drain the oil, run a magnet thru it to see if you get any metal flakes, that'll tell you if you wiped a rod or main.
also while its draining pay attention to see if water comes out. thats a good indication of a bad problem, it will be the first thing outa the pan, since oil is lighter.

the starter just clicking sounds like either then engine is locked or you toasted the solenoid

any noise thats not normal, is not ok.

turn it over clockwise or counter, either way it should move. if it doesnt, you locked it up. with a 12inch breaker bar, you shouldnt have to over exert yourself to turn it. it takes less effort than breaking lug-nuts loose.

the cdr valve wont lock an engine, it will cause some smoking, maybe. but not much. you can disconnect the main tub to the cdr from the filler neck and it should pump out some steamy oily smoke stuff while the engine is running. but again, wont cause an engine not to start.

the fact that it ran before you shut it off doesnt mean it wasnt fubar before it shut off. remember that there is alot of force going on while its running, and it could run on wiped bearings, but the starter may be too weak to spin over the crank with the added friction of wiped bearings.

so get in there and do some trouble shooting!
what i would do first...
1. drain oil and take a look at its condition
2. charge the batts
3. clean the connections at the starter
4. test starter out side of the vehicle
5. refill with clean oil, fresh bats and good connections, then try her again. (of course if you find metal in the oil or discover water in the pan, you shouldnt go any further)

03-01-2009, 21:27
I guess First thing ill do is to try to turn her over by hand, if that works ill go for the changing the oil and testing/fixing the starter issue. From there i could run her and see if she still leaks and adress that problem. But at this point im thinking of just going to my mechanic, i just didnt wanna tow her there but it looks like i might. Its snowing a foot outside out now, this is work that would take me a bit to do in my newbness in nice weather. Im not sure i want to do it on my back in the cold wet pavement

03-02-2009, 15:47
well i took the glowplugs out and attemped to turn her over, she did quite easily. Well thats a load off. Im temped to do the starter and drain the oil and refill her myself, but its just too damn cold. Im not sure if i wanna do the starter and redoo the oil and limp it to my mechanic if i dont hear any odd noises or if i should just tow it and make him deal with it all. We just got a foot of snow outside so...

03-02-2009, 20:03
well i took the glowplugs out and attemped to turn her over, she did quite easily.

That's great news! You shouldn't have any real serious damage then.

Bummer about the snow. It's no fun to work in, huh?

Where you located?


03-02-2009, 20:38
Long Island, New York. It stopped snowing and i already cleared out some snow under the truck to get out the harmonic balancer, think ill go for the starter and clean it out. Wonder if autozone can test 24v starters? It snowed like a foot, coulda had some fun in the truck. Oh well, im never taking that mudhole again. Just sucks to have the biggest truck there, no one to pull you out haha. Ill keep you guys updated, i still have this massive leak to deal with..

The starter is not completly covered in oil, just the bottom half, so im thinking rear main or pan, dont think its the valve cover or heads right? Think im just gonna do the filter and oil change and start her up and as long as theres no noises ill check the leak in more detail, then maybe pull the pan this weekend, suppose to be near 60 out..

oh and i can leave the plugs out till then right? its cold out now, its my first deisel so.. haha thanks for everything this far

think im also gonna wanna change the air filter and maybe check the cdr at least, the engine bay got muddy too