View Full Version : Cracked cyl in 660 Block

02-08-2009, 19:20
Just got my latest hunk of scrap iron apart.
Banks kit is sweet but the engine was stuffing pressure into the coolant.

Started ripping it apart today to see what was wrong. Suspected a head gasket???? as the fellow had no idea other than blowing out coolant.

Took off the RH head first and found coolant in #8 :eek:

Head looked great and the gasket was fairly fresh.

Hmmmmm Cleaned the cylinder up well and looked it over well.
Bloody beast has a cracked #8 Cylinder wall.
This is a 660 Block.

Not sure of all the particulars but the top end had cast rocker arms and so It should be an 83-84 maybe.

Black engine but has the old style glow controler plus the cast rockers.

Sadly the bottom end is crack free.

I have a red block that I repaired a couple cracks in the mains with the inserts so I will use it and swap the guts from this block over.

Fell down with the head on my way outdoors to look it over. The head and ME :eek: hit the floor hard and all the precups flew out.

Stinking coveralls hooked on something (Not sure what) and set it all in motion.

Damn hard on an Old gal to ride things to the concrete anymore.

But I hung on all the way down. EEEEH Haw.

I have beat on them precups with a hammer and a punch trying to get some out and had tough times.

The heads look great.

Probably swap the guts into the red block and rock and roll.

I had never seen a cylinder crack in a 6.2 before ..:confused:

6.5's yess butttttttttt.

Oh well


02-09-2009, 18:53
Probably an engine that suffered from an operator that thought that the red line on the water temp was a goal to reach it's full potential.

Probably got pretty hot.

Bummer on the crash with a cylinder head. I was sitting on my ass cleaning a head up for a 6.2 in the garage and one tumbled while I was swapping it's direction. They're a little heavy, but getting lighter every day...


02-10-2009, 07:36
Well the head suffer no aparent damage, but I'm sure sore as H$%^ today.

Luckily I did not hit anything on the way down. Had the head held by the ports so my fiingers did not get mashed on impact with the floor.

Took the head all apart yesterday and bagged up all the parts to keep them in the right holes.

Steamed and really cleaned the sucker up and going to have a local shop pressure test the thing today to make sure it does not have a dirty little secret somewhere I cant see. :eek:

The older I get the farther from from the fender it gets to the engine and the harder the floor seems to be when I get there when I dont plan on it. :rolleyes:

I spoke with the owner once removed before me.

He told me about the rig/engine while he had it.
He installed tha Banks Kit just as the intructions laid it out. Said that the EGT and such fell right into the specs that Banks had in there materials.

NOW the "KID" that bought the thing was not happy with things so he and his buddies (Speculation on his part) cranked the HP screw clean to the hilt.

He mentioned that one day the kids were sporting about and reeeeeeeeeeeeeely snorting out a lot of black smoke.
You are probably right about the red line being a goal post.

Unfortunately it would seem that they arrived at the predictable outcome.

I still need to get the LH head off and see whats over there. May do that this morning and see wasup there.

Hopefully keeping it OFF the floor.

Does get the precups loose though :D


02-10-2009, 17:56
Welllllllll now

removed the LH head this morning and found that this ine had not been off since leaving Ma General back in 84.

Gasket in very suspicious shape and some water in two cylinders.

Possible leaky gasket on #7 at the rear. The gasket between the fire ring and the water port was very nasty and burnt.

Now I am going to have to turn up a couple plugs to stop off the #8 Hole and pressure it up to 120 PSI of my compressor and fill the water jacket full and see if the thing bubbles.

Too many questions unanswered now and I will not take a chance, either at assuming the block is bad or assuming the gasket was the culprit.

Got to check it out completely now to make sure.

Sure looks like a crack but it may be something else.

Just as usual, a real FUBAR
