View Full Version : Any Good Tips for Installing the Mega Filter?

Seth McKinney
03-11-2005, 12:10
I am about to install it so I was wondering if any of you all had any good insigts into this where I would get the least amount of stalls. I appreciate all your help.

03-11-2005, 13:37
By "stalls", I'll guess you mean engine stalls after the install, not stalls of the install process, although that may apply as well. We'll try to minimize the head scratching.

There are only 2 install options that effect stall. Before after the OEM filter. The likelyhood of stalls is increased if the filter is installed after the OEM filter (between the OEM filter and engine driven fuel pump).

They both have advantages, and disadvantages. It's my opinion, based on personal experience, that there are more advantages to installing it after the OEM filter. There are only 2 disadvantages that I see to installing it after. Increased chances of stalls, and increased usage of the OEM filter. I feel the OEM filter is less effective than the Mega, so the second is cancelled out. I would rather trust the Mega as a last resort of filtering than the OEM, even with the updated OEM filters.

The stalling (due to the filters) can be eliminated by installing a fuel lift pump between the tank and first filter. JK has both a lift pump and controller available. He as also experimented with an air bypass orifice with positive results, but our opinions on that differ. Adding a fuel lift pump is a mostly positive mod. The only downside I can see is the possibility of fuel spillage in the event of a leak. Choose the lesser of two evils, chance of a leak, or likelyhood of airlock stalling. Your choice. I don't have a lift pump (yet), so I bleed the Mega about once a week in the winter, and about once a month in the summer. Not a real problem for me.

Considering the install in the recommended location under the air box....
If you have, and intend to keep the OEM tires/wheels, there should be no need to make any modifications other than the filter install. If you have, or plan on larger wheels/tires, modification of the fender liner will be required. It's not difficult. My method was to use a heat gun to soften and reshape the liner, then tie it back with wire ties. There are no obvious visible signs of the mod, other than the shape of the liner.

Install the filter as recommended by JK, and connect all the lines, except the last connection to the fuel pump inlet tubing. (NOTE: Be sure to install the filter head as far forward as possible on the airbox platform. IIRC, grind or cut one of the washers so it will have a straight edge, so you will be able to drill one hole close to the edge of the sheet metal, or pound the sheet metal flat where it's angled, like the instructions say I didn't want to bend the metal, so I altered the washer). It is helpful to "glue" the nipple into the filter head before you do anything else. It will give the thread sealer a chance to cure up as much as possible. Be sure to clean up any excess as well as possible. Prime the fuel system with the hand pump (or lift pump if you install one) until fuel runs from the open line, which you will want to run into a container. Plug the line with a smooth dowel or other suitable item. Open the bleeder on the filter that is first from the tank and bleed all the air. Next, bleed the last filter of air. Once completely bled, remove the plug in the line, and pump about 1 gal. of fuel into a container to flush any contaminants from the line that may have been left there from the install process (properly dispose of the fuel). Finally, install the hose to the fuel pump inlet tubing and clamp it according to the torque spec. Overtightening the clamp may damage it, and possibly damage the hose and/or tubing. Undertight may allow a suction leak, letting air into the pump with the engine running.

The instructions that come with the Mega are pretty good. It took me about an hour to do mine, not including the fender liner mod. That took an hour itself. If you run into any issues during your install, don't hesitate to ask. You might also try a search of the forum for "mega", for anything that's been left out, it's faster than waiting for a reply when you are up to your elbows.

03-11-2005, 15:38
Follow the steps outlined in the print showing how to put the orifice plug in place. If you decide to pressurize with a lift pump later you can always fill the hole with silicone.

Seth McKinney
03-11-2005, 16:36
Thanks guys -- oh yeah I will be getting that lift pump when it is ready.

Thanks for all the help.