View Full Version : Engine tick

12-28-2008, 20:20
I was returning to bakersfield, CA from Gridley tonight around 5 pm when i started hearing a tick on the freeway. I was only about 30 minutes into the trip and was going 65 mph. I checked the guages and everything was normal. oil press, was about 45 psi, water was about 180-190, volts was about 13.5, nothing changed but a tick that changed with engine rpms, regardless of speed. When i turned the CC off, the tick stopped when rpms dropped to idle, even though i was still going 55 or so. When I sped the engine up, the tick started. I pulled over and my brother met me. We listened to the tick and it definitely is louder from underneath the engine, than from the top. To me, it sounds like an exhaust leak on a gas motor. My brother kind of thinks it sounds like a connecting rod cap or something from the bottom end.

Anyway, my question is I called my boss, and I have tomorrow off, but I have to be back to work by tuesday. I am at my parents house and have another car to drive to bakersfield, but I would like to know what you guys think. I have only tomorrow to check things out and I am going to take it to a shop as well. What can I check tomorrow that will give me a better idea of what the problem is without tearing into the motor. ANY ideas is much appreciated.


12-28-2008, 21:00
well all i can come up with is an injector but mine started ticking about 20,000 miles ago and it hasnt givin me any problems yet still pulls good and runs fine just has a tick in it if its not a thumping noise i would just run it till you can get it to the shop later

12-28-2008, 21:30
i just replaced the injectors summer 2007. I am not totally sure what injector tick sounds like, but this is a pretty loud tick and it sounds like it is coming from the bottom right side of the motor. That could be a possibly though. Is there an easy was to check that?

12-28-2008, 21:32
I just remembered something else. My exhaust doesn't smell like it normally does. It smells like unburnt oil. I guess, maybe it could be unburnt fuel, but, it definitely doesn't smell like it normally does

12-29-2008, 07:06
You may have a failed injector. If you smell unburned fuel the engine will likely run rough too.

You may have a failed rocker arm button, collapsed lifter or??

Is the tick running at crank speed or cam speed. (Cam is one half the crank speed)

If the engine is running rough?? pull the oil filler cap off and check for excessive blowby huffing from the filler neck.

A failed rocker of lifter or such will be noticeable up top
A failed rod will show loss of oil pressure.
If there is excess blow by you could have a failed piston

A bad injector will make a knocking (Tick) and will also be accompanied by a miss.

Keep us posted.



12-29-2008, 08:01

I also had a experiance with a strange knocking sound.
It came after the head gasket was replaced.
The sound was loudest from the underside
I thought it was a mecanical failure, but it turned out too be i dirty injector.
I pressure tested the injectors, and found one spraying wrong.
cleaned it an the knock was gone....

12-29-2008, 09:37
the engine doesn't seem to be missing or have any loss of power. I will check for blow-by from the oil filler cap though. I guess it could be an injector, but I just didn't think it would be because I replaced them with Heath Diesel ones in summer 2007. But, anything is possible. Thanks for the quick responses.

12-29-2008, 11:19
Well, after checking all the injectors, the #6 injector is the culprit. When I loosen the line, the tick goes away, when I tighten it back up, the tick comes back.

So, I called Heath Diesel, and Bill is supposed to call me back. Hopefully I can get a replacement one by tomorrow and I can fix it and be on my way. Is it possible it could be two injectors? And if so, how would I check that?

Thank you guys for your help.

12-29-2008, 13:45
you could check the same way you already did.

If its quiet when loosening line 6 it could be the only problem.

You could wait until you get a new one to.
the best is to check nr 6 in a pressure tester to se if it´s opening, and spraying correctly.
Could be some dirt inside.
Have you checked the fuel filter??

12-29-2008, 14:44
i just replaced the fuel filter in July, but it probably is bad. I also just filled up my tank on wednesday and this is really the first time I drove it since I filled it up. Maybe I drove about 40 miles since I filled it.

Anyway, I'll check the filter as well. I am pretty religious about adding 8-16 oz of power service at every tank. I realize that doesn't clean dirt out, but I would hope that keeps the injector clean of soot and carbon buildup. Thanks again for all your guys' help.