View Full Version : Snapped the back of the Allison!

11-27-2008, 08:54
Yep, I couldn't believe it when I saw it but I actually snapped the rear housing of the Allison right in two. It also snapped the ear off the yoke on the transfer case. For some odd reason all this damage is from a six week old u-joint let loose on the interstate at 75 mph. It all happened so fast the damage was done by time I got stopped. What a mess..


11-27-2008, 16:57
I believe it because the same thing happened to me 4L80 in my 02 gasser when a improperly installed u joint came out going 80 down the interstate. It did several thousands of dollars worth of damage to my driveline. The dealer who installed my new slip yoke and joint got to eat that bill (which included a $1200 tow bill and two nights in a hotel) after several exchanges between them and my lawyer. It busted my trans housing, t/c adaptor, transfercase, bent the drive shaft broke the pinion and damaged the rear axle housing and u bolts on one side. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't pulling a large trailer to keep my rear end on the ground, it could have been much worse.

11-27-2008, 18:39

Did the joint fail, or was it not installed properly? If it failed, what brand and part # was it, and how did it fail? Which joint was it (position on the shaft, and was it a one piece, or two piece shaft)? Thanks

11-27-2008, 19:46
DM, were assessing what/how it happened now. I'll post pictures and information tomorrow morning.


11-27-2008, 21:07
Just curious. We appreciate your input. Thanks.

11-28-2008, 10:32
I'd say the joint clip was either not seated into the grove all the way or broke while doing so.

11-28-2008, 21:07
Just towed a F150 tonight, rear houseing of trans exploded, front half of driveshaft yoke/u-joint missing along with trans houseing and internal parts. Customer stated he replaced u-joints few months ago and was going 70mph @ time it let go. First one I have seen and untill I read this discussion I thought maybe trans problem but now maybe think could be as simple as u-joint problem and high speed. bob........

12-02-2008, 17:28
Sorry guys, I haven't updated but there's nothing to report right now. The rear housing was supposed to show up on Friday but it didn't get here until today. I'll be heading over tomorrow to have a look at what really happened.


12-02-2008, 18:34
Who did the joints??