View Full Version : 96 versus 97+ air box

09-27-2008, 18:56
Can anybody tell me the difference between the 96 style air box versus the 97 + air box, if any? Pros' / cons of either. I currently have a 96 in my suburban.

09-28-2008, 17:11
OK.... how about this. Can anyone with a 97+ tell me what shape your airfilter is? Flat - rectangle or cone shaped? My 96 has an airbox with a flat rectagular airbox.

09-28-2008, 18:40
'97 + are "round". A cylinder really. Suppose to have a better seal than the flat panel and although I haven't done the math I am pretty sure the cylinder has more surface area and thus can flow more air.

09-29-2008, 03:36
Thanks for the info. Do you happen to know if a 97+airbox can directly install in an earlier (1996) ?

09-29-2008, 05:52
I put a '97 airbox on my '93, used the '97 tubing to the turbo. Took me about 5 minutes to change it out. There are 2 '97 style airboxes, the HD and normal 6.5 one, i used the normal one as i've seen the HD one hits the coolant reservoir.

09-29-2008, 07:01
I replaced the stock 96 with a 97 and it was EASY. The cylinder shaped filter has more surface area, seals better and has less chance of getting mis-aligned. I often had dificulties getting the flat filter back in place and usually had to remove the entire housing to ensure the filter was flat and sealing properly. The 97 is a piece of cake to open inspect and clean. Oh, the 97 has a resonator and a "dirty filter indicator", if you want ot believe it.
When I swapped the housings out I also went to anamsoil filter. I did see an improvment in fuel mileage with the combined mod; new box & aftermarket filter.

09-29-2008, 19:41
I have a '98 airbox on my heap.

Fits fine, except the AC compressor is in the way of the turbo muffler tube, but I just cut the nub off the end and used it to plug the hole. The belt driven accessories are different on the newer trucks, it is supposed to bolt to something, alt bracket maybe, not sure.

I was told the filter media area is roughly double, 1900 sq in for the flat panel, and 3800 for the LD round one and 4200+ for the HD one.

Probably doesn't make too much difference though except will take longer to clog up with dirt, I don't think you could ever use more air than the flat panel filter could let through, provided it is clean.

The big attraction for me is that the round air box is about 2000 times easier to check/change the filter than the flat one.