View Full Version : Home made Boost Controller pic's

01-18-2004, 16:27
My home made Boost Controller what I used here is a 0- 10K resister, pre set it at 3K installed it in between the gray wire on the boost controller on the inlet manifold. Did some Boost tests and had too much boost had to turn the resistor down to about 2K now I am getting about 10psi at full throttle and no codes. Took about 15min to do.

Pic's here (http://community.webshots.com/user/freddy65td)

[ 01-20-2004, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: freddys ]

Barry Nave
01-18-2004, 16:53
Done this 3yrs ago and it does work.
I mounted mine in the dash under the radio.

01-18-2004, 20:57
Freddys -

Can't open the pic's right now -

So, Would you recommend a 5k pot vs 10K?

on a 96 TD - I was under the impression that the 'correct' wire was the Green one, on the '97, you used the Grey one. Guess I'll have to break out the manuals again.

This is Another one for the 'projects' list! Thanks.

01-18-2004, 23:03
I tried a 5k pot and it didn't work. The next one I found was 20k and it works fine.

Barry Nave
01-19-2004, 01:27
I'm using a 10K, even then if you turn it up to much you'll get a code 78
You can see the knob in my site. Click on the photo at the lower left hand corner.
It's the blue one ;)

01-19-2004, 08:40
Whatnot- "I tried a 5k pot and it didn't work. The next one I found was 20k and it works fine."

Naturally, that doesnt make any sense to me - if the range is 2 - 3 K, why wouldn't a 5K be the choice. Of course, that's why I'm not in electronics.... I'll take everyone's experience to hand, and use what works.

BTW can't access the pic hosting.

patrick m.
01-19-2004, 19:37
the pics can be seen, just "imagestation" is VERY slow!
i have some pics there, it is slow to view, slow to load, slow to edit, etc...........
click the link, and go get a drink it'll take a few minutes.

01-20-2004, 10:19
Where is the best / recommended location for installing the 'pot'?

I was initially thinking of in the cab - so it can be adjusted on the fly - and putting it close to the boost gauge.

Once set, how much playing with it should really occur ( versus having it installed directly on the engine.)? Is this a set it and forget it type of deal?

edit - Freddys - or others..Where did you get the variable resistor? Part Number? etc... Thanks

01-20-2004, 12:12
Originally posted by MTTwister:
Where is the best / recommended location for installing the 'pot'?

I was initially thinking of in the cab - so it can be adjusted on the fly - and putting it close to the boost gauge.

Once set, how much playing with it should really occur ( versus having it installed directly on the engine.)? Is this a set it and forget it type of deal?

edit - Freddys - or others..Where did you get the variable resistor? Part Number? etc... Thanks From every thing that I have read at the Boost Controller most likely because it

01-20-2004, 22:55
Originally posted by MTTwister:
Whatnot- "I tried a 5k pot and it didn't work. The next one I found was 20k and it works fine."

Naturally, that doesnt make any sense to me - if the range is 2 - 3 K, why wouldn't a 5K be the choice. Of course, that's why I'm not in electronics.... I'll take everyone's experience to hand, and use what works.

BTW can't access the pic hosting. It is also using the other side of the pot too. I don't think that the resistance is going to be the same to get the same boost if the pot is a different size.
I never checked the resistance on mine, I just adjusted the boost at idle to -4 on the scan tool.
(-5 will set a code)

01-20-2004, 23:02
I just looked at the pictures in the original post and that isn't how mine was done. I did it like in the 2000 article putting the pot in between the center wire and the ground.

It looks like the picture is changing the voltage to the boost sensor instead of changing the output signal.

Has anyone tried both ways to see if it either works any different?

01-21-2004, 09:08
I would like to install one on my 96' so what wire do you install it to the green or the gray, and what do you do just install all the tabs on the wire? i see three tabs in the picture of the pot.

01-21-2004, 09:33
Evidently we need more references to and information from the 2000 Article, one issue I didn't get! Dang.

I guess I was also expecting the green wire to be spliced - for the output.

I was hoping to but a 'circular' pot in the cab, versus a 'linear' pot under the hood. That might be workable with the 'Green' output signal.

Any way to get access to that article without buying the whole book smile.gif ? ( didn't think so) Tracking this thread.

01-21-2004, 09:59
As for why the gray wire to me there isn

01-21-2004, 15:49
I think it's the pleasure of improving on GM with a cheap fix...(and a heck of a lot of 'research'.)

01-21-2004, 16:32
If More Power okayed it, I would scan the diagram and post it.
If anyone wants to check with him, you can forward his reply to my email if he says it is ok: whatnot@ureach.com

01-21-2004, 18:56
Hey I'm Game, I'll ask - Maybe 'we' could get a reprint of that article posted...

02-06-2005, 21:30
This is a good post, thought it was worth bringing back up.


More Power
02-07-2005, 06:17
Have a LOOK (http://www.thedieselpage.com/members/tt/00tt2.htm). smile.gif