View Full Version : egt probe location

Phil Holmen
08-25-2004, 10:56
Is it most accurate in the driver's side manifold or directly before the turbo, I am going to tap my manifold so I would like to put it in the best place..

08-25-2004, 11:06
On that flat spot just below the Turbo is a really good spot - kinda scary at first - but I used a lot of bearing grese on the drill bits and tap - and didn't do the "idle as you break through" routine. 4000mi later and I haven't trashed the turbo - so I can recommend the process. Every few turns of the bit i would wipe and re-grease. You've seen JK's tech tips for the location, I suppose.. I did it with everything in place, by the way.

08-25-2004, 12:37
i did mine in the same place when i had the manifold off