View Full Version : Biodiesel & now I ...

06-16-2008, 20:02
Just yesterday I poured in part of my first batch of biodiesel and drove a bit yesterday and today, later today the "water in fuel" light came on, so I'm wondering what to do. should I drain my tank or add in some additives? If there is some water in the fuel just this one time should I be worried? Any thoughts and imput would be appreciated.


06-16-2008, 20:10

How long did you let your bio settle? Glycerin will set off a WIF sensor. Drain off your bottom drain into a container and check the contents. If it is glycerin then it will be evident. You will also have to change your filter a couple of times as the bio cleans out your fuel tank and lines. I always carry an extra just in case.

Don't worry too much at this stage as this is part of the process. If it continues or you consistantly get glycerin dropping out then it is time to re-evaluate your fuel process.
