View Full Version : LLY injectors and fault codes

06-12-2008, 07:26
I have a pending misfire code, P0302, on an early 2004.5 LLY. In the freeze frame data for the code, it shows the pulse width for the injector to be really high (1.5ms) as compared to the others, and the injector balance rate is much higher that the rest, about +9 if I remember correctly, while the rest are some positive and some negative, but none very far from zero.

Question: Does the wiring fault that sometime happens on the LLY cause a misfire code and funky balance rates? This truck has supposedly had the wiring repair done before.

2nd question: Is there any warranty on the LLY injectors after 100k? This vehicle has 118k on it. I called my local dealer and talked to a service writer whose command of the English language was weak. She had me read her the last 8 of the VIN and said "no warranty". These dealers seem to be all over the board on the warranty issues so I thought I'd check with the experts here.

3rd question: Assuming there is no warranty and the injector needs to be replaced, is the number 2 injector that difficult to do? Book time seems pretty high, around 5 hours.

06-12-2008, 09:20
1.5 ms is really high. What's the mm3 rate, compared to the others? Perhaps a blockage (dirty injector)? I'd try some cleaner first. Mark Rinker swears by Seafoam. There are others that may help. I guess it depends on how pressing the repair is.

I don't know if a wiring fault can cause a balance issue. It should be on/off, intermittent. Theoretically, any additional resistance in the harness can skew the balance rate and solenoid timing, but it is so sensitive it would have to be a very specific fault to get that close.

No extended warranty on LLY injectors. 100K on the engine, including injectors, but no more. If it has an extended emissions warranty, injectors will be covered under that, but I think it's ~80K? in CA.

5 hours for one injector sounds like LB7. Perhaps your book is showing for the LB7 2004? Check the same for a 2005/2006. The LLY injectors aren't bad at all to replace.

06-12-2008, 17:25
Thanks, DMAX, I knew you would know the answers. I agree, that looks like a way too high time for that easy to get to front number 2 injector.

Where do you put the Seafoam? I'm a little nervous about adding that to the fuel. Is that ok to do?

I'll record the pulse widths and data for return rates if I can to give a better picture of what I am looking at. I should have saved the freeze frame screen but I'm not used to hooking the Tech 2 up to my laptop. I save all kinds of stuff on Ford and Honda since the scan tools are laptop based anyway.