View Full Version : Another "recall" letter from GM

06-05-2008, 14:28
Anyone else get a letter from Gm about their 2007.5 LMM. It states that there is a problem with the programming of the ECM and it creates a memory problem that will cause a no start condition. The truck will crank, but not start. Un/Fortunately, my truck is already at the dealer for a check engine light and that it is spraying tranny fluid all over the place...

The letter mentions the problem gets worse overtime. I can scan and post it if anyone cares to see it. BTW, the dealer has no knowledge of this problem or "recall". I will let you know what happens.

06-05-2008, 16:59
Anyone else get a letter from Gm about their 2007.5 LMM. It states that there is a problem with the programming of the ECM and it creates a memory problem that will cause a no start condition. The truck will crank, but not start. Un/Fortunately, my truck is already at the dealer for a check engine light and that it is spraying tranny fluid all over the place...

The letter mentions the problem gets worse overtime. I can scan and post it if anyone cares to see it. BTW, the dealer has no knowledge of this problem or "recall". I will let you know what happens.

Some are saying the LMM is getting better mileage after the recall is performed. Altering the DPF re-gen cycles maybe?


06-06-2008, 06:21
So not fret DAKSTER. It's just a simple ECM software reflash. Campaign 08142.

06-06-2008, 07:21
This is least I am fretting about... The transmission fluid that covers the bottom of the truck and falls on the driveway is more important. Although maybe the reflash will fix the regen and CEL problem.

The recall will finally force the dealer to update my ECM to current programming - including the EGR fix. The last few months of chasing problems down and asking them to do so have previously failed.

06-08-2008, 13:02
YIKES! Sorry to hear about that! I didn't mean to set you off DAKSTER................... Check you P/M ;)

06-08-2008, 17:40
YIKES! Sorry to hear about that! I didn't mean to set you off DAKSTER................... Check you P/M ;)

You didn't set me off.... Thanks for the helpful insights as always!

06-09-2008, 10:14
Let me add a little perspective here, although a problem seems so big when it happens to you isn't it more on an inconvienence? I was talking with a man at a party saturday night and he was telling me about his Powerstroke 6/0. He named off a list of things that keep reoccurring and of course his warranty is long gone he has about the same mileage on his as I have on my Duramax 02. He's spent over $5,000 in repairs out of his pocked and he says Ford spent over $15,000 of theirs on his warranty coverage while it lasted.
He asked me how much I have spent on the Chevrolet and I said $0. The only thing I've done is put fluids and filters in it, and tires and batteries, nothing else, because nothing has broken yet, his comeback was yeah, but I like the bigger cab the Ford has. I said OK, its your money. I like mine just fine. It may fall apart tomorrow but for 6 years now its been absolutely rock solid and does whatever I ask it to do and its pretty confortable too. He says yeah, maybe I'll look at the Dodges, I can't keep putting money into this Ford.
I'm thinking what's wrong with this guy? Maybe he has in the past had a bad experience with GM and doesn't want to give them a chance again. GM should think about that before they make decisions on denying warranty claims.
Hope your fluid leak gets solved pronto, I hate leaks, so far none on mine.

06-10-2008, 05:21

I had a ford 6.Ohh S&*(T and saw the writing on the wall and got rid of it. I went to a Yukon Denali XL and had ZERO problems for the 2.5 years I had it. Took many road trips. The only issue was that it didn't tow very well. I got a GREAT deal on a 2007 Suburban 2500 and had problems from day one. Even GM flew an engineer down to look at the truck and couldn't figure it out. The only option was change everything. All wiring harnesses and computer modules - the truck kept saying "service air bag". It may have fixed the problem, but after multiple repair attempts I didn't trust the truck anymore. The dealer had the truck more than I did for the 5 months I owned it.

I picked out the 2007.5 Silverado LMM as its replacement and for the first 11 months seemed just like the Yukon...

I hope that this is it. However, I won't be like your Ford friend, just because I "love it", doesn't mean I will put up with breakdowns.

This is kind of depressing and I have owned several GM vehicle all of which have been flawless to the day I sold them. I had them for 6 years and was well past the warranty miles on each one.

Mark Rinker
06-10-2008, 16:56
Funny how deep brand identity and brand loyalty can run.

Consider the tatoo'd biker with the LOGO of H-D on his arm...!!! The Ford guy who will defend a $5000 beating with cab size...!!!
...I wonder what a big ole' BOWTIE would look like, in tatoo ink....hmmm:rolleyes: Seriously, if GM's trucks started taking a dive in quality - I'd buy whatever brand got the job done and gave good service.

Except a Dodge. I wouldn't be seen in a Dodge, cuz Dodges are only for camper haulers out of Elkhart, Indiana.


07-09-2010, 08:46
My father always said, "You could tear one up bad enough by hand that you couldn't drive it away."

07-10-2010, 07:26
As far as Brand loyalties goes some people would push thier truck if they had to and not switch to another make. I've owned and or driven all of them and my take goes like this. We have had the Dodges. I liked the cummins, but lot's of transmission problems.
We rodeo and sometimes run down the road with other trucks and trailers.We are as heavy or heavier and longer than most of them.
I'm not saying this because I own the D/Max, but we outpull the 6.0's and the 6.4's and the big Dodges and we are bone stock and some of them aren't. We are seeing quite a few of the 6.0's and the 6.4's breaking down. and I mean often. The new Dodges seem to be having problems with the injector pumps burning up. Two people that own them have had them go up with less than 200 miles on thier trucks. One only had thier truck for a day and a half. The dealers told them it wasn't covered because it was a contaminated fuel issue. Both owners fought back and stated thier case that they had not even fueled up yet and if that were the cause, it came from the factory or dealers supply.
The dealer then agreed to fix them under warranty, but told them the next time it was on the owners own buck.
I have heard simular story's from other owners.
None of these trucks are perfect, but I've had the best luck with the D/Max combo. And love the way they run and how quiet they are. We have had a couple of Ford owners trade in thier brand new 6.4's on GMC and Chevy D/Max trucks and take a big big loss $ on the trade. They wouldn't dream of running anything but Fords, now they can't stop talking about how much they love thier D/Max's. And the fact that they aren't afraid to go on a trip with a trailer full of horses and get home again without someone else coming back to tow thier trailer while the Ford dealer came to haul thier Ford back to the shop. And sometimes on several occasions.