View Full Version : This is strange...

05-17-2008, 11:57
My Truck was stumbling almost like a miss not stalling soo i thought it must be the pmd because was intermiting.Well i have one pmd on a cooler and one on the pump so i used the one on the pump the problem went away for a week then it stated again and got really bad .Soo i change the pmd on the cooler fired the truck up and same problem.Soo now i am mad .I checked the filter it was full and good i cheaked the lift pump lots of fuel spitting out.Then out of angry i hit the injector pump i think the fuel soliniod.I fired it up and it runs great put over 300km on it with no problem.Does the pmd take awhile to work??Or what did i do to fix the problem anything would be helpfull.