View Full Version : 85 6.2 3spd 1/2 ton

05-12-2008, 10:24
Found what I thought to be a leaking injector on this truck. Of course driver's side right at the back near the firewall, steering linkage, brake booster, etc, you know the real easy one to get at (not) unless you are a contortionist!! Anyway, took injector out and down to the shop to test, said it was fine, no dribbles, no leaks, even at 2100 psi!! So leaking return line me thinks, replaced that on the side that runs to the next injector, seems fine, but looks like injector is still leaking. Changed the other side with short piece of hose and plugged it off like what was on there, but still leaking!! Very hard to see exactly where this is coming from. I took the short piece of line off and discovered a tear, cut it down and tried again, seemed to tear it again? Question: Is there a difference in which nipple goes to which line, like maybe I am blocking off the wrong side? or did I just get a bad chunk of line? or what have I missed? I tried teflon taping the threads on the fuel line feeding the injector thinking it was a supply issue, nope. Next????? dynamite?? and run for the hills?!?!?!? Please help!!:confused::mad::confused::mad:

05-12-2008, 20:50
If your return line is bursting, or cracking leading to it leaking again, it is probably a good idea to replace that section with a new piece of the fibre wrapped stuff.

No in or out port on the return nipples, just two out, so it won't matter which side.

It's possible you have a blocked fuel return somewhere causing excessive pressure in the return side.

But could be bad hose too.

I've also seen the line not seal to the injector causing a headache.

Save the dynomite just yet...

05-25-2008, 22:18
Thanks for the advice, removed all return line from the truck and replaced it all with the fibre wrapped stuff. Worked like a charm, thought it was best to just replace it all before another leak was noticed 200 miles from nowhere. Happy motoring again!!! :D:D:D Still wish I could drop my RPM down a bit on the hwy but that will take a couple sacks of money so will just tough it out till then..LOL!!

joe bleaux
05-26-2008, 09:49
Hi, BBMan,

Where did you get your fiber-wrapped hose?



Thanks for the advice, removed all return line from the truck and replaced it all with the fibre wrapped stuff. Worked like a charm, thought it was best to just replace it all before another leak was noticed 200 miles from nowhere. Happy motoring again!!! :D:D:D Still wish I could drop my RPM down a bit on the hwy but that will take a couple sacks of money so will just tough it out till then..LOL!!

05-27-2008, 08:24
I am in Prince Albert Saskatchewan Canada. The name of the place is called Lorway Diesel. 1-306-763-1800 Ask for Wayne, gave me a great deal. I can't imagine that he would have a problem shipping if needed.

joe bleaux
05-27-2008, 09:11
Thanks, BBman,

I am in Texas so, I can probably get them cheaper sans shipping.


I am in Prince Albert Saskatchewan Canada. The name of the place is called Lorway Diesel. 1-306-763-1800 Ask for Wayne, gave me a great deal. I can't imagine that he would have a problem shipping if needed.