View Full Version : Really Hard Initial Start

05-09-2008, 17:00
My 85 burb is a real pain to start for the first time in a day. After that it starts fine even if it is cold for the rest of the day. The next day after it has sat it is real hard to start again the first time. At first I thought it was glow plugs but after new plugs and checking all the wiring it is still doing it. Could I have a fuel drainback problem? If so what should I check? Thanks for any help!

05-11-2008, 10:53
I have had problems sealing the top bleeder on my fuel filter mount. DO you think this could be leaking air back in after the truck is shut off??
Or do you think the drainback valve on the lift pump could be bad??

05-11-2008, 17:48
It could be, but also check the condition of the fuel return lines - my Ford van had a similar issue, and air was sucking back in through them.

Are you getting a lot of white smoke on intial start?

05-13-2008, 19:48
Today when I went to fill up the Burb the cap made a hissing sound when I unscrewed it like there was vaccuum in the tank. Could my tank vent be clogged? If so how do I get to it? Could this be the cause of my hard start?? Thanks

05-16-2008, 18:11
Any Ideas???