View Full Version : Sad Sight/Sad Day

04-27-2004, 16:26
I was a witness to an accident today - no one was hurt badly. It happen to a k2500 6.5 TD Suburban. The Suburban had the better of the collision - but it was killed. Front end was gone. Didn't know if the Burb driver was a TDP member. Maybe TDP should come out with a decal that we can all purchase one so we'd know. I'm willing to pay for one. Just didn't set right with me.

04-27-2004, 19:50
you know you have a good idea there,i'd sure stop and help a fellow tdp member in distress.speaking of decals,the guy that bought my truck new when it hit 100,000 miles got a window sticker from chevrolet that says proud member of the 100,000 mile club.i would like to find one for the 400,000 mile club!

04-28-2004, 00:38
catmandoo, I'm still at 173k, have you done any major overhauls to your 6.5? I'm kind of curious of what to expect.

C.K. Piquup
04-28-2004, 03:51
Catmandoo,I`d at least demand four 100,000mile stickers if I were you.I never got one.They owe me a couple.With Mr."MORE POWER" Bigley`s permission,member stickers would be an easy task.That is,if a design could be agreed upon.I`d like it to be more than just letters,but not too busy.As far as giving a hand to those in need by the roadside,they don`t need a sticker or even a GM diesel to get our help,do they?I must say,though,when I see a diesel with the hood up I feel a stronger need to assist/advise.Kinda like the pretty lady thing,but different.

04-28-2004, 05:18
gmenor the engine in my 92 has been replaced ,it was originally a 6.2 and in 96 at 260,000 the guy loaned it to another guy to tow a boat about 250 miles,well this guy ended up scoring a piston from lugging it so hard,and the dealer only had a 6.5 and he needed the truck so in it went,as for problems,this is still on the pump and injectors from the engine change although the pump is acting funny as of the last 8,000 miles or so,it's probably over due for a rebuild,other than that the clutch lost a spring in the disc when it had 90,000 on it after the new engine and it just took out a waterpump and alternator,also the front seal on the power steering pump started leaking and it had lots of play in it so i just replaced the whole pump.just put front brakes on it last week and i noticed a loose idlerarm so have one of those for when i get time.just lots of little things,oh when i had the clutch out i noticed the rear main seal was seeping so i put one in .as for the basic engine it hasn't had a valvecover off of it yet been working great but i have a weird problem that i will post a new topic to (burning oil after oil change)

04-28-2004, 10:11
DP sticker: Don't hold your breath. I asked More Power to develop a decent sticker 5 years ago and several times since then. That little white sticker with the web address looks like a cheap name tag from a dinner party.

High Mileage sticker: Volvo offers metal "badges" with foam tape or grill bracket mounting. Wish GM had the same. Mine is about to turn 205,000 miles this week.

I get sad when I see a good vehicle wrecked too. What's wrong with us? We're just gearheads.

Polar Diesel
04-28-2004, 10:14
Hey catman What town are you from? I see your an Iowan!

More Power
04-28-2004, 12:24
Here's the deal.....

I spent $400 for a thousand web site URL stickers a while back. I give them away when we have them. Multi-colored stickers with graphics (truck pic) would cost me about $1.00-$2.00 each. How many should I order? Gotta order at least 1000, to get any sort of price break.

Between t-shirts, hats, books, and stickers, we give away a lot of free stuff each and every year.


04-28-2004, 15:17
Catmandoo, I am hoping my 6.5 will last. I only had a major over haul on the transmission but the engine is still strong. I've had minor problems (major when it happens) that was overcome by asking the TDP for advice. I've been slowly adding upgrades to the beast and the next project is the exhaust (3.5 verse 4). I've been following the recent forum on the exhaust and probably follow JK's advice. I'll probably order the exhaust from JK along with the crossover. But I feel more comfortable that the 6.5 engine will last as long as yours.
MP, I wasn't aware there was any DP items. Is the somewhere on this web page where I can order some of these items?

04-28-2004, 17:28
I'll buy a sticker, and I'm real choosey about what I put on my truck. To determine if enough would buy to make the venture worth while, start a post. I'm not sure how many folks from Southern Ohio are DP'ers.

C.K. Piquup
04-29-2004, 03:25
The DP items have been give-aways(prizes),I believe at the rendezvous,at MORE POWER`S expense.Sound`s like he`s open to the idea,right Jim?We should be willing to pay $5.00 or more to make it worthwhile,plus mailing costs.How about a design contest?Depending on winning design and number of colors,price could be higher.

The Diesel Kid
04-29-2004, 08:17
up here in Canada, I would buy a sticker......a nice sticker

04-29-2004, 15:17
polar diesel i'm over in storm lake.and as for the sticker count me in whatever the price.the site rules

04-29-2004, 15:49
Count me in too, I'd help with design but I'm nowhere near creative enough LOL

04-29-2004, 18:07
I'd Love to buy a Sticker too.
Why don't you start a poll. This Forum software supports polls right? you should be able to keep track of who says yes then email us when they are ready.

04-30-2004, 03:45
I didn't want to instigate or cause a problem but it does seem that MP is somewhat irritated about this issue. Sorry MP. The way I see it we have three course of actions to take:

1. Have TDP moderate and over see some sort of poll.
2. Have one of the members over see a poll off this web site.
3. We do nothing but talk about it.

I would like to see a decal too but, the biggest problem would be it's logo or illustration and the size. Most would agree that "The Diesel Page" and "6.5 Turbo Diesel" would be on the sticker - but what else? Current logo of of the TDP (pick-up) would pose a problems (why not a Suburban, a dually - depends on what the TDP member owns). I don't have the answers and cannot set the parameters for its content. Other minor issue is where on the truck will or should it be displayed? Anyone willing to step and take charge of this venture? I'll kick in money for some of the initial cost.

04-30-2004, 03:57
Hold on now! Not everbody has a 6.5 so don't put that on the sticker! But I'm all for having another TDP decal as my original white one is showing signs of age. Jim Bigley, sometimes you just can't please everybody all the time, can ya? Keep doing what you're doing. You've saved me bunches of money and time and you won't hear me complaining about NOT having a little window sticker.

04-30-2004, 08:03
All the sticker needs to indicate is The Diesel Page.
People should be able to tell what kinda vehicle it's stuck on..So,it just needs to be Generic enough to satisfy everybody ( oops, this'll never get off the drawing board).

OK, satisfy the majority.

04-30-2004, 13:14
"The Diesel Page" at the top of the page looks pretty good to me.

04-30-2004, 18:35
TDP is all that need to be said. Those who need to know will know. Im in. smile.gif

Turbine Doc
04-30-2004, 19:14
I'm up for a generic DP sticker with web address; it would lead to discussions of "The Diesel Page" Hey what is that?

And you get some time to brag on your ride, how it was okay before you came here and with "A little help from my friends ala DPers" now have an awesome ride.

I did some cutting and pasting & made a 1 page flyer I keep in my truck, I pass them out when I see another GM Diesel refueling, even carry them in my gasser work truck so I don't miss an opportunity to show a fellow GM Diesel owner where the BTDT manual can be found.

Once we figure out a sticker we can agree on, then we can think about a secret hand shake :D

Bill Voitel
05-01-2004, 04:11
Another Iowan on board, get the decal going I will cough up the cash for one or two if you guys will let me put one on the new addition IE; 94 E350 F**D 7.3 N/A IDI Elite 30 ft Class C MH Wish I would have been able to find a GM product but at least it still burns oil!!!

Bill :eek:

05-02-2004, 07:47
Hey, sorry about the previous post. I really forgot that this is a web site based on GM's Diesels. So for the 6.2's and Duramax owners - sorry. Still I will help fund the initial costs - not all of it.

More Power
05-02-2004, 17:04
I'll get a sticker in the works before long.... Right now, I'm busier than a one-armed paper hanger trying to get the truck ready for the May 15th truck show, working on a half dozen articles, and trying to spend some time with the fam....

Soon after the 15th, I'll get a few different images available for you guys to vote on or suggest changes.


C.K. Piquup
05-03-2004, 03:42
Forget all that.I want a sticker,NOW!Wah Wah,sniff sniff,boo hoo.Jist Keedin`.I`m sure we can all appreciate that.Can`t wait to see this project(the little big red one)done,though it won`t be May 15th for me.I don`t know how you find time to do all this.Congratulations in advance on the Dmax Project.

05-03-2004, 17:29
Jim: I'd go for a sticker in a split second.
Don't worry about those P-Stroke guys. As Okey from Muskogee told me down in Del Reo a few months ago, when he saw one pulling in to the camp ground. "That poor feller right there is practically affoot, ain't he?
Dick Wells