View Full Version : boost

brian wafer
05-01-2008, 04:01
finaly got my jimmy going injectors all at 1600lbs,which is ok for used ones.oil pressure and temperature are ok.banks turbo kit makes a big difference! pyrometer will reach 950 degrees on a long hill with fuel too the floor in drive and keeping 55 miles and hour,cruising is around 300 too 350 degrees,(maybe not exact for cruising did not realy take accurite look at gauge) boost gauge would go too about 5lbs on the same hill but only on second try,first and third try almost no boost but the power is there,anybody have troubles with the banks boost gage ,the tube is ok applied air too gauge and it moves but not same reading as my compressor gauge. tried same hill with my 3/4ton 6.2,motor has low milage really good compression,4.10 ratio and a four speed with 255 85 r16 (33inch)it only gets around 40mph!just crawling in 4 gear.

brian wafer
05-21-2008, 04:03
lately i have lost some power,turbo dosn,t whisle like before,thought i had leaks,so last night i installed a temporarly boost gage(the banks gauge is faulty) and tried it on same hill boost was at 7lbs at most,i had a funny feeling on fuel peddle when turbo would start too whisle it would feel light and lots off power.that feeling wasn,t there no more it climb the hill good but not like before!got back too shop took fan off soap up the intake and run it in park with temporarly boost gauge at 1 lbs at about 3/4 trottle saw no bubbles, exhaust had a leak at crossover where muffler clamp holes it together so i welded it. gave it another try at hill but was the same.anybody have an ideal how to check for leaks the banks guide says on a good pull it should get close too 9lbs. i will order a gauge today.pyrometer stays the same about 900degrees on same hill.

brian wafer
05-29-2008, 03:59
still didn,t find my problem,read alot about leaks around the banks bonnet,i was wondering if the bonnet was aluminuim,maybe i could weld it to intake! then i would be sure its airtight.anybody ever try this?

05-29-2008, 09:52
Did you check the rubber plugs on the ports on the side of the intake? Those are notorious for splitting.

brian wafer
05-30-2008, 03:00
i have replaced them with heater hose and a round shaft as a plug, if i ever weld bonnet i plan on plugging up the ports,i could fabricate plates to make a pressure test before installing intake back on once welded.if bonnet is aluiminuim.problem is i can,t figure how too pressurize intake too no where is my leak!

05-30-2008, 12:36
i can,t figure how too pressurize intake too no where is my leak!

Shop vac exhaust.

05-30-2008, 20:02
i have replaced them with heater hose and a round shaft as a plug, if i ever weld bonnet i plan on plugging up the ports,i could fabricate plates to make a pressure test before installing intake back on once welded.if bonnet is aluiminuim.problem is i can,t figure how too pressurize intake too no where is my leak!

I pulled the fittings out of the intake and went to the local parts store and got some small freeze plugs and drove in the holes. Been over a year with NO problems.

brian wafer
06-17-2008, 17:11
i took out the fittings on the intake and install 3/4 inch frostplugs with a dab off liquid gasket. seem to have gain a pound off boost since doing this.i have replaced the boost gauge it was 5lbs before plugging ports,now it goes too 6lbs,not sure how accurite these gauges are it came from napa.what kind off pressure do you guys and gals get!

brian wafer
07-11-2008, 04:09
i have not found my leak yet,don,t have as much time as in winter.leaving in 2 weeks for my summer trip with travel trailer.if i tee into boost gauge with shop air,and plug muffler tailpipe, could i get pressure up too be able too check for leaks,can,t see how this could hurt anything! i noticed lately when i floor it and boost goes pass about 6lbs the needle on the gauge shakes up and down about 1 lbs,and looks like what i hear in my turbo whisle its like intermittent.

07-11-2008, 07:07
Boost can vary from hour to hour and day to day due to humidity and air temperature.

Hot dry days will produce quite a bit different results than a cool damp day.
This will be quite noticeable to the Butt Dyno too.

If you are not finding major issues I would not stress over a pound or two.

The Banks kit will generally make 7 PSI and this can vary due to the other factors I mentioned



07-11-2008, 12:41
Use a shop vac exhaust, not shop air. Shop air can blow the seals out. should be no need to plug the exhaust, and safer not to.

If you have a leak under boost, you'll hear it, and it'll leave an oily mess, too.

07-31-2008, 10:23
Hello All,

Brian: double check all connections from air cleaner to intake. when i did mine i had to retighten them 3-4 times before the hoses finally kept tight!! also make sure that the gasket sealing the plenum seals to the intake my plenum came loose was like the gasket came out also the plugs on either side of the intake where the cdr connect keep splitting on mine about every 2,000 miles if i keep my right foot in it. the only other thing to get more boost was i replaced the injectors and injection pump...what a difference.

hope this helps,

More Power
08-01-2008, 10:03
finaly got my jimmy going injectors all at 1600lbs,which is ok for used ones.oil pressure and temperature are ok.banks turbo kit makes a big difference! pyrometer will reach 950 degrees on a long hill with fuel too the floor in drive and keeping 55 miles and hour,cruising is around 300 too 350 degrees,(maybe not exact for cruising did not realy take accurite look at gauge) boost gauge would go too about 5lbs on the same hill but only on second try,first and third try almost no boost but the power is there,anybody have troubles with the banks boost gage ,the tube is ok applied air too gauge and it moves but not same reading as my compressor gauge. tried same hill with my 3/4ton 6.2,motor has low milage really good compression,4.10 ratio and a four speed with 255 85 r16 (33inch)it only gets around 40mph!just crawling in 4 gear.

The Banks instructions recommend setting the injection pump fuel-rate to allow producing a maximum of 1100 degrees EGT during a hard pull. If 950 is the max you're seeing, you need more fuel. A 950 max means you're not seeing the full potential. The Banks kit puts the pyrometer in the exhaust manifold.

Burning fuel and the resultant hot expanding gases spin the turbine. At sea level, most 6.2 Banks kits produce about 10-11 psi boost pressure. Here in Montana at 3,000' elevation, I saw 8-9 psi as a max.


brian wafer
08-06-2008, 04:11
i was on holidays,and pulled my travel trailer about ,700miles back and fort, level towing was about 2lbs pyrometer was about350 too 400.on a hill i would get 5lbs and 950 degrees would come quick then it would creep up too 1100 degrees where i would let off on fuel.fuel pomp is rebuilt and i gave it about 12minutes insted of 15minutes thinking it would keep egt lower. i had replaced the 2 ports with frost plugs (3/4inch)and notice one is leaking oil,thats maybe where my leak is, was thinking of useing some sort off metal putty too cover it up.the intake and bonnet stayed dry.i live on a costal area so i am very close too sea level.will see what she does after plugging up the leaky port. thanks for all the information. brian ps had a real nice trip, old jimmy ran like a champ ,installed a converter loc up switch what a difference!if i could only get a few more pounds of boost!