View Full Version : 2 pmd's now I/P in 6 mos

01-16-2004, 16:58
Just picked my 96 2500 (70000 mi) up today. The dealer had it 3 days, had to order in a pump. I installed a remote cooler and new pmd in July. This one failed 11/27, dealer installed a new pmd on the cooler. Now the pump failed last Monday.
I sure hope they got it this time. The truck has only been used to haul a load (2500 lb truck camper) once during this period. The truck is not abused in any way. Anybody else had problems like this?

Also the pmd cooler supplier(highest recommended unit) never heard of pmd's failing on his cooler. Of cource he wouldn't replace it as it was over the 30 day warentee.

01-17-2004, 06:17
What codes and or symptoms are you experiencing?

01-17-2004, 09:14
You stated the the "GM dealer" installed a new PMD on your external cooler, was this under warranty? My 96 Sub is going to the dealer 1/20 for stalling issues (3K on new IP). I was thinking of installing the external cooler so PMB is more acessible, does that void the GM warranty? Whose cooler did you purchase, only a 30 day warranty?

01-17-2004, 15:17
Yes the dealer installed a PMD underwarentee on the external cooler. I didn't get the codes read, but when the pmd's failed it was the typical (truck has now had 4 pmd's replaced) hard starting low on power that went away when the pmd was replaced. The pump was sligtly differn't it just started to skip slightly ideling in the driveway and was also way down on power.

01-17-2004, 16:37
I had stalling issues. Problem was both PMD and inj pump failing at different times.

I have gone thru 2 pmd's and an inj pump in 45 k
miles. Aafter replacing inj pump for intermittent shut downs after 20-30 minutes in the right overnight temp..I tested all pmd's i had. Yes both PMD's were bad, re installed in
remote mount. original took 6 weeks before it
" would not start ", second failed after approx 4 weeks. Just quit, would restart and run a few feet and quit, Replaced wwwith know good, ran fine. reinstalled bad , it quit after 1-2 minutes.

Bottom line. Keep a few spare PMD's

Barry Nave
01-17-2004, 17:42
This is the frist I have heard of FSD going South so soon.
45K on a pump is bad enough :eek:

01-18-2004, 06:53
Its worse, I bought used truck, Perfect condition,
AND Had new Inj pump at 22k from GM.

Was always running a little ragged at 1700 rpm.

Lasted untill about 75k miles ( 53k total on pump.

I was having both kinds of " Engine quits "
Plus one day it would not start, Totally dead.

Bad Fuel Solenoid, Open circuit , Thsi was on GN fact Replace Inj pump.

Month latter, Start and Quit like Lift pump
or air in fuel, Changed lift pump, no good.

Than ran ok for 2 days , than same problem, Was FSD, if it cooled to below 45 at night would not run. Than had the intermittent : engine Quits
periodically, Again Overnight Temp was down below 40, Thought FSD Again. Tryed new one.

and another, Truck would run for several months than same problem.

( 1 of thies FSD's did turn out to be bad, I found out latter, but the Injector pump was also causing stalls after 20-30 minutes if overnight temps around 30-40 degrees.

ok colder or warmer. Found this out on trip to
Montana, Called Gomer. He said Inj pump.
Got it there , replaced pump" ALLS WELL,
more power and 1700rpm miss is gone

Tested the 2 failing FSD's since than,,,

I strongly suggest:
Add a fuel pressure gage to dash instruments.

Add a pre filter , I think the GM Filter sucks,
can't change without gettig cr*p Down in bowl

Remote FSD where you can change it easily,

Carry a Spare, FSD, Lift Pump ( or add 2nd in series, thats where my original went ) and a Fuel solenoid,

One more item, Only once did I get a code.::
Injector pulse too short"



I think I finally got the Pump figured,
Now How hard is to change a rear seal.....

01-18-2004, 07:07
I'm sorry the PMD warentee was 90 days not 30 as I stated. My issue with the cooler /pmd supplier was the board would have failed in less than 90 if it was not installed on the cooler. Luckly the dealer replaced it under warentee. I'd had the truck in to the shop 2 months before putting the cooler on, they couldn't find any problem and they even put a data recorder in that I drove around fro 2 week, but of courcr the truck never acted up.
The dealer even hooked the new pump to the external cooler , must be they found the PMD on the cooler ok and think the cooler helps.
It looks like there is a new pmd mounted on the new pump. Maybee someone can tell me if a new PMD come with a pump replacment. Like I said I hope this fixes it.

Barry Nave
01-18-2004, 08:16
Could any of this be due to fuel related guality?

01-18-2004, 09:43
My original IP was replaced under warranty in Feb 03 at 114K. Now at 117K I have the same issues like stalling or just quitting on highway. It goes back to the GMC dealer today. I'm thinking of external PMD cooler, so PMD is easier to change. Is GM EVER going to fix this problem??? How about a BOSCH replacement pump....

01-18-2004, 10:28
bigcontender, how far upstate NY

Bobbie Martin
01-18-2004, 11:55
Is GM EVER going to fix this problem??? How about a BOSCH replacement pump.... You don't need a Bosch, you need a Stanadyne DB2. I've been hammered for saying this before, but any DS4 is going to fail sooner or later. Some later, most sooner. When you get fed up with the failures, do what I did and fix it forever.

01-18-2004, 13:15
I'm in the Binghamton NY area.

What is a Stanadyne DB2 is this an upgraded pump?


Bobbie Martin
01-18-2004, 17:38
The DB2 is a mechanical injection pump. It was installed on 6.2s and early 6.5's. It takes a bit of doing to fit one, but it eliminates all the electrical problems of the DS4.

01-18-2004, 21:05
I was talking to Heath Fri about trying to get just their plate - I want to screw around with a spare PMD I've got. He's willing I guess, but would rather do the whole deal..

Thing is, he indicated that he Glues/ Heat-transfer-epoxies his new PMD's to his plate. Wouldn't this make them tough to change if they had the "transistor nuts coming loose" syndrome?

Think I'll call him back on Monday and see How Much for the plate and extension harness. Got ideas, ya know.