View Full Version : problem starting and staying run

04-16-2008, 14:59
We have a 96 chevy 6.5 3/4 ton.
Began using Bio-diesel about a month ago. WE just got our second full tank.
Then we got a cold snap here in Florida, and now our truck won't start, or if it does start it won't continue to do so.
We installed a new heat sinc & fuel filter,
We got it started ran 2 miles died again, when trying to start we get lots of white smoke. then dies. Help it's the Work Truck! :eek:

04-16-2008, 16:37
Welcome aboard!

Much depends on what you mean by "cold", and what you are using as base stock. Some oils cloud/gel earlier than others. Probably not something to worry about all the time in FL, but if you are using palm oil, it starts to cloud below 60°. There's a chart of base oil cloud/gel points around here somewhere, and also on many of the biodiesel websites.

Also, being only the 2nd tank on this vehicle, you could be plugging filters very quickly. The bio will break loose deposits in the system (it's a very effective solvent), and send them straight to the filter. More miles on a vehicle before a switch will be worse. If you've used bio in other vehicles, you should be familiar with this.

A combination of the two above will certainly cause it to run (or not run) like you are seeing. You might try some additive that addresses cold weather conditions.

04-19-2008, 21:51
thank you your info, was wright on,