View Full Version : IP question

evo rider
04-16-2008, 13:15
Im taking my injector pump out to be rebuilt and was wondering how to take the three bolts behind the oil filler out. Is there an easy way to rotate the engine in order to expose them? Thanks

04-16-2008, 15:53
Yup sure is. :D

Remove the oil filler tube. ( 2 bolts on the strap) and wiggle it loose of the rubber grommet.

Hand rotate the engine onlly to align the bolts one at a time and remove the bolts through the opening.

Be sure to use blue loctite on these when they go back in.

Unhook the batteries before you start and use a BAR ON THE CRANK only.

I like to use a thin piece of single thickness cardboard and form a little tray to slip into the hole to guide the bolt a little while they are coming out.

The IP is piloted into the gear with a timing stud as well as the gear has a bastard bolt circle so it can only go one way.

Mark the fuel lines in pairs as they come off. (remove in pairs) and use some tape to label them 1-3 5-7 2-4 6-8 and make a diagram of where they go on the IP.
One can mix two lines fairly easy when doing the reinstall so the diagram is nice.

Good idea to blow everything off with air before breaking things loose and to cap the Injectors once the lines come off.
If you dont have caps a little plastic and a rubber band will work to keep junk out.



04-17-2008, 06:50
Also, order yourself a copy of the Page's R&R manual. Great instructions and pictures. This is worth its weight in diesel fuel! ;)

04-18-2008, 00:35
You might want to consider removing the glowplugs to make turning the engine over an easier task.

Also, I'd suggest you bar the engine over by using the nut that holds the alternator's pulley on rather than the bolt that holds the harmonic balancer on. Its always bad news if you twist the harmonic balancer bolt off inside of the crank, and I've seen it happen way too many times to be worth the risk. I've never once heard of someone breaking their alternator by turning the engine over with it as the belt will slip before you strip out the threads or break the shaft.