View Full Version : Freeky

04-11-2008, 14:48
I don't like being freeked yet my trany,rebuilt with a couple of hundred miles took to going in limp/lump in my throat mode. After a few miles of driving like this I thought to pull of,shut down and restart. Back to normal.
So just a fluke? Today it's been fine. It has been wet here in Indiana,it's has also been warm than getting cold.
Some thoughts would be to pull trany connector and fill with grease?
Just putting this out to you all? The restart must of also been a reset?

04-13-2008, 18:02
The ECM/PCM saw something that it did not like.

The KO_KO does reset things.

If it does it again I would be checking to see if there are any codes present.

Some times on a fresh tranny you can get a glitch and then be fine.
Possibly a connection, ground or ????

