View Full Version : FSD test ?

03-29-2008, 14:43
Does anyone have a difinative test for the PMD/FSD. Mine has cut out twice after cold start and restarted with no problem. Stalled within 1/4 mile both times about 5 days apart. No codes, and no other symptoms?
Like everyone else I dont have a lot of time to fuss around, if its the fsd I just want to replace it and move on.
Thanks Dave

More Power
03-29-2008, 17:30
Unless it's mounted to the fuel injection pump, you might try loosening then retorquing the hardware on each of the two power transistors. Check the related wiring for abrasion or damage.

Without a test bench designed to test the FSD, all we can really do is substitute another known good module. People really need a spare anyway.


03-29-2008, 19:09
Thanks Jim,
I guess I'll do just what you discribed and see if that cures the problem. I am currently awaiting a spare for the glovebox. I will give Bill Heath a call Monday and see what the criteria is for his 7 year warranty. I have been very confident in the trucks reliablity and will consider this episode a wake up
Thanks again, Dave

03-29-2008, 19:34
Here is my test regimen

I note about how many miles is on the PMD.
If the unit is more than a year old and the cutout is random with no codes then I remove the PMD and drop it in the pond. If it floats then its good.

I have not had this test fail me yet. All of the units tested have sunk quickly out of sight.
The replacemenrt PMD solved the issue. :D:D:D:D

Just some good shop humor.

In all honesty I would recommend a new Depaco/DTECH PMD.
They are slightly thicker. I have one on my truck and it seems to do fine.

Keep a known good spare in the glove box.



03-31-2008, 12:02
That's the Salem Witch Test.

My way is to replace it. If the problem never recurs before you die, call that definative proof. If it does, repeat the test...

04-01-2008, 15:30
Well Bill Heath agrees with Robyn and John, a swap out is on the way.
Thanks All for your response's

04-02-2008, 01:52
Here is my test regimen

I note about how many miles is on the PMD.
If the unit is more than a year old and the cutout is random with no codes then I remove the PMD and drop it in the pond. If it floats then its good.

I have not had this test fail me yet. All of the units tested have sunk quickly out of sight.
The replacemenrt PMD solved the issue. :D:D:D:D

Just some good shop humor.

In all honesty I would recommend a new Depaco/DTECH PMD.
They are slightly thicker. I have one on my truck and it seems to do fine.

Keep a known good spare in the glove box.


I am not finding any leads to "Depaco/DTECH".

Would you elaborate on this supplier a bit?


04-02-2008, 03:15
Try THIS LINK (http://www.dtechproducts.com/).

04-02-2008, 06:59
Yup thats the outfit

I got mine from Diesel Fuel Injection Service in Portland Oregon

I had used the Depaco injector replacement kits that come with hoses, gaskets and such.

The owner of DFIS told me he had the DTECH PMDs in stock so I trotted my tooshy right on over and got one for the DaHooooley and stuck it on "Just Because I could"

The adverisement on their page says,

" The DTech PMD offers superior performance and is designed to withstand the pump engine compartment operating temperatures without having to be mounted off of the pump."

Well after the years of fighting these issues a remote mount is standard issue as far as Im concerned. Carry a spare too :)

I have not heard of any failures of the Dtech PMD so far and am keeping in touch with Mark over at DFIS.

Mark tells me that he has been sellingn these for about a year now with not one issue.

I would dearly love to know what Dtech did that stanadyne could not (Would not) ??? do to make this very important part better.

The better mouse trap???????// Only time will really tell the story.

We all know the fate of the SOL D :( Been there done that.

The DTech is priced better than the OEM units too.



04-02-2008, 17:36
When you were running the SOL-D,under load, would your truck blow black smoke were a fsd would not.
I've been running the SOL-D and went back to the FSD cooler mount during cool temps.
I noticed my truck smoked alot less pulling away from a stop.
I also noticed my power level was down. It would seem as though the SOL-D fuels more.
Boost is the same @12psi max.
Did your mileage differ between the too?

04-05-2008, 21:40
From what I undertsand Heath is now using D Techs on thier kit. Supposedly they have better transistors that can resist up to 250 degrees instead of the 185 deg that the standyne is rated at. Next one I buy will be a D tech. I have not heard a bad thing about them yet. Accurate Diesel sells them for 248$. I have had great dealings with him.

04-06-2008, 14:57
Recieved my warranty FSD from Bill Heath,and indeed it was a Dtech mounted on the remote. Truck runs fine!
Taking the time to say Bill really stands behind his word. One call and the replacement was on its way. No Questions, it was shipped with return label for old FSD I think about 4 yrs old (43,000mi)