View Full Version : Genesys Scan Tool

03-21-2008, 12:23
I have to do a presentation on the genesys scan tool for one of my auto classes on monday. So, I am going to be hooking up the scan tool on my 94 as well as an OBDII car.

Does anyone have any advice on what to look for when I hook it up to my truck? It is an OBDI, but I still should have some good stuff to look at.


GMC Hauler
03-21-2008, 15:20
IIRC, You are an OBD I vehicle. You will never find a connection as hard as you look......

03-21-2008, 15:51
Yes it is an OBDI. The OBDI port is right underneath and to the left of the steering wheel (the same place you pull codes from). The Genesys I am using has an adapter plug to fit GM OBDI vehicles.

03-21-2008, 17:00
Well, its a no go. I got the scan tool connected, but found out the software is too new and does not support my specific vehicle. I am going to try another scan tool at the school to check out my truck, so any advice on what to look for would be much appreciated.


03-28-2008, 17:10
Maybe you can help me, even though I can't you out much. Or can I?! I've been looking at getting a Mac Mentor(OTC Genisys re-branded). But as a GM diesel owner, I need to be able to set the timing on electroinc 6.5L's. I know that you can get factory GM software for the Genisys, but I don't know if it includes the stuff for our trucks. Since you have access to this scanner maybe you can try it out and see. You'd need a truck new enough to work with the software installed on the scanner(OBDII at least) and the scanner would have to have the GM software pack installed on it also. IF...and it's a big if....the scanner does have the GM software, AND you have access to an OBDII 6.5L rig you could possibly demonstrate how the scanner works setting the TDC offset and pump timing. Just and idea. If you do find out whether the scanner works or not, I'd like to know. I hate to buy a scanner that won't do what I want. But I can't get anyone who sells them to say yes or no on the subject.

03-30-2008, 00:41
I have read somewhere here on the site that the Genisys scan tool will work with the 6.5 injector pump timing. I would recommend the Tech II scan tool though. The tech II is a GM scan tool and will work better with our vehicles. The problem with the Genisys I was using is that the software for the 6.5 was never installed on it. It was bought more recently and it didn't have very much software installed for OBDI.

I don't have access to a 6.5L OBDII, so I can't help you there. Sorry. Go to the Genisys scan tool website and it will list all the vehicles it supports and you can get the specific software for your vehicle.