View Full Version : Getting realtime fuel info without trip computer?

03-20-2008, 19:11
Hey everyone..it's been a while since I've visited.

My 97 C3500 never came with the trip computer option installed. This is the first vehicle I've owned in a very long time that *didn't* have this option, and I miss it greatly.

Mainly, since I do quite allot of towing, I'd like to have it in order to see (mainly) average and realtime fuel consumption. We are taking a 10,000 Kilometer trip with our travel trailer this summer and I'd really like to be able to see the differences in milages based on speeds, grades, headwinds, etc.

I pulled off the cover on the overhead panel where the trip computer would normally be installed and I don't even see the wiring present, so I'll assume that it's not going to be as simple as going to the wreckers and pulling a display out of a vehicle that *had* the option, and installing it in my truck. That would have been way too simple. :-)

So, I'm looking for alternatives, and was considering an OBD2 interface to either my Palm handheld, or my laptop computer, both of which ride along with us on long trips.

First off, is there an easier way to do this aside from my idea?

Secondly, can anyone tell me if the 97 OBD2 system provides any usable OBD2 information so far as fuel consumption is concerned, or am I wasting my money?

With diesel being what it is cost-wise right now, even an extra 1MPG gained by adjusting my speeds slightly depending on weather and road conditions can equal huge savings, so this would be a worthwhile investment for me.


03-21-2008, 04:13
OBD-II scanner could read fuel rate and that might be applicable to mpg if you wanted to see it real time. Its directly related to right foot position and tells you fuel rate per 1000 strokes (I think of the IP plungers not sure ratio to crank rotation I guess per 2 crank rotations or one engine cycle). Then you would need to multiply by RPM and constant to get fuel volume real time. Could adjust rpm or right foot to affect mpg.

There will be some descrepancy because injectors can return some fuel. But I think it should be close.

Not sure what computer options there might be.

03-21-2008, 05:11
CarCode has lots of features to use on lap top to include real time fuel rates and mpg data.


03-21-2008, 08:17
CarCode has lots of features to use on lap top to include real time fuel rates and mpg data.


Interesting, thanks.

Anyone own this device and actually used it with the 6.5TD?