View Full Version : Piece of Oil Cap Seal Into My Engine!

03-14-2008, 20:06
I was pouring in part of a gallon of fresh oil and saw a "chunky" go flying in! I think it was about a 1/4 inch square of the aluminum seal that caps the oil jug. I looked in the oil container with a flashlight and saw several more larger pieces at the bottom. I don't think I dopped them in as I am careful when I remove the seal.

Question #1 How much should I worry about this monkeying up my engine?

Question #2 If I drain the oil again befoe starting the engine are there good odds the piece will drain out?


03-14-2008, 20:23
At first, don't worry about it at all. Not a bit. Just drain your oil into a container you can use to pour the oil back into the engine. Do this as many times as you feel comfortable, satisfied it is not coming out. It may come out, it may not. Anybody's guess. Despite whether or not it may be harmful, you will always have doubt until you see that piece again. It could be harmful, but the chance of it causing real damage is so very slight. If it's 1/4" square, it won't get through the oil pickup screen. If by some chance it does, the oil pump won't notice it passing through (or just pulverize it), and it'll catch in the filter.

Now, satisfied you cannot get the piece out by just draining (assuming it didn't come out), you have to make a decision. Either be not worried, at all, or be very worried. If you choose to be not worried, life goes on, and it never happened. If you choose to worry, find it. Tear the engine apart until you find it. It's your conscience, your sleep, your life. Me, I would drain it twice, and if it doesn't come out, go on and never give it another thought. I might peek into future oil drains, but only to satisfy curiosity.

03-14-2008, 20:30
Thanks for the perspective! I will drain once or twice and see what happens. There will be no tearing the engine apart or loss of sleep!
