View Full Version : Turbo Blanket????

Dvldog 8793
08-19-2004, 05:16
Has anyone used a turbo blanket or heat-barrier? I have a friend that has a turbo car and he said that he got power/boost increase by insulating the pump? Just wondering if anybody has done this.
Conley Janssen

08-20-2004, 19:57
Originally posted by Dvldog 8793:
Has anyone used a turbo blanket or heat-barrier? I have a friend that has a turbo car and he said that he got power/boost increase by insulating the pump? Just wondering if anybody has done this.
Conley Janssen I had used a heat wrap on the turbo of my racecar years ago, made no difference. I think using Jet Hot coated headers and cross-over have a better chance of making a difference. Even that for performance is debatable. I have the headers and cross-over Jet Hot coated on my racecar, I don't know about performance increase but it does keep temps down a little under the hood and keep things from melting. Damn fender wells are still melting but at 1775-1850 EGT's what do you expect?

With the fact that a diesel runs so much cooler than a gasser, maybe a blanket and Jet Hot coating helps although I still think marginally at best.


08-20-2004, 22:03
Hey Dvldog, We use turbo and exhust blankets on some of the machines at work, not to try to increase the performance, but to keep the heat out of the engine room/compartment. Since heat seems to be a major enemy of the 6.5's, it couldn't hurt.
My $0.02 worth :D

08-21-2004, 03:19
You, are looking to reduce the life of the turbo, and down pipe too by wrapping it, because of the extra heat, and the blanket could cause excessive corrision because of extreme temp changes and the formation of condensation between it and the item wrapped.

I have wrapped the turbo on a HP gas turbo motor, and down pipe. Result: Cracked exhaust manifold, replacement of turbo cartridge because of heat damage, and cracked down pipe. Mind you, the turbo was water cooled too.

On a V-8 diesel? Well, if anything jethot the crossover pipe, or trim (enlarge)the turbine housing exhaust outlet w/ dremel to increase flow would yield better results than a wrap. However, be careful not to make the turbine outlet too thin!

Dvldog 8793
08-21-2004, 05:06
THANKS for the input everyone!!! It sounds like the benifits would be marginal and it could possibly cause some bad things. I never thought about the extreame environment that the extra insulation would cause. The last thing I need is a "Turbo-lamp" to go with my "engine block card table"!!! :D
Thanks again!
Conley Janssen
USMC 87-93