View Full Version : No fuel in Injector lines

03-03-2008, 17:48
So got a ticking sound that then became a miss. Pulled it apart to find one of the little Rocker Arm Retainers had bit the dust. No big deal.

However, I noted as I was taking the injector lines loose, that none of them seemed to have any fuel in them. So, are all of my injectors leaking? Or what else would let them all bleed down like that? It did sit for about a month before I pulled it apart, so that my be part of the reason.

Also, when I put it back together, do I need to do anything about getting fuel to the injectors? Or just crank it a few times until it bleeds itself and starts?


03-03-2008, 18:35
"Leak" is a relative term. If it took them a month to "leak down", but seemed fine before, it may or not be a "leak". If they were dry after a week, it's a "leak". If it took the whole month, then not a "leak". The injectors are "fuel tight", but the tolerances aren't so that they won't pass some fuel while static over time. The injectors may be due for replacement, but not solely because they leaked down over a month. I doubt there are any out there that won't take in some air after sitting a month, regardless of their condition.

I suggest you finish the job at hand, then diagnose the injectors if they present injector symptoms. Bleed it and go. If they were fine before, there's no reason to believe they're not OK now.

03-03-2008, 19:02
Once you reinstall the lines and are ready to restart the truck you can usually glow it then crank it over. It may take a few times of cranking to get it to go.

You can also get a helper to run the key switch while you crack open the lines while the engine is cranked. This will allow the air to vent out.
Once the engine starts firing it will purge out the residual air is short order and settle down fine.

The system will self bleed in most cases and you wont have to mess with much.

On a fresh engine I usually leave the glow plugs out and spin the little creature until fuel mist blows out the glow plug holes. Once this happens a shot with the glow plugs and the engine should fire up quick and easy.



03-04-2008, 18:07
Thanks for the info, Dmax and Robyn. If the weather cooperates, I should get it back together this weekend.

Went to the dealer today for the Rocker Retainers... Good news was, they actually had them in stock. Bad news, $3+ each for the little plastic pieces of junk.... Ouch.

Oh well, at least I have them and can put it back together.
