View Full Version : blue smoke

02-22-2008, 13:20
Hi, my IP started leaking badly in my 1985 K30 so I swapped in one that was left over from a ex hummer 6.2 I bought in for my 84 C10, now I have a couple of problems I could use some help with first on is cold idle and running is smooth but once warm it starts to shudder at idle with a noise like something is rubbing in the front of the motor, also at highway speeds I get occasional clouds of blue smoke, no difference in power or missing I only notice it when I check the mirrors and the road behind disappears for up to a minute or so, throttle setting makes no difference it comes and goes at will making me a menace to the clean green image of New Zealand !

02-25-2008, 11:08
Noise within the IP isn't a good sign, but identifying that it is the pump that is making that noise is the trouble.

At any rate, could be a bad injection pump.

But, start with the things leading up to that, change the fuel filter or filters on the truck.

Also verify your timing, does this smoke go away after advancing the timing?