View Full Version : Fuel Enrichment?

02-13-2008, 15:55
When and under what conditions should I be seeing fuel enrichment w/6.5td?

02-13-2008, 16:30
What do you mean by fuel enrichment?

If you mean "more fuel", it will happen any time you add pressure to the skinny peddle.

If you mean more fuel to air mixture, same thing. Problem is, it doesn't mean a hill of beans on a Diesel. Speed and power is regulated by fuel input (volume, duration, timing, atomization). Fuel/air is only relevant on gas engines. Diesel engines can become "too rich", but only because we inject more fuel than there is O2 to burn it all (results in black smoke).

If I'm missing something, let me know. It's possible I never knew, or forgot, the term.

02-13-2008, 16:40
When does the ds4 dump more fuel into the mix? I'm trying to understand what fuel rates I should be seeing when under boost?

02-13-2008, 17:37
The fuel rate will track your skinny pedal input. The only time the PCM intervenes is at idle, at the governed limit, or during limp mode. It won't wait for the air to be present, like a Duramax. Even if you have a MAF on your 6.5L, it is not for fuel volume calculations. This is why you get black smoke (or should) on a hard acceleration or lugging.

02-17-2008, 19:02
Yep, the fuel-air mixture will be "enriched" when you push the skinny pedal, until the turbo spools up to push more air. Pretty much a non-event, unless you have (like I've had) a turbo failure.