View Full Version : Dash Lights

02-06-2008, 12:46
Over the last few years the lights in the dash such as the back light for the 4x4 switches and some of the radio switches have begun to fail. Can these lights be replaced or do I need to replace the switch and worse case the radio for those lights that are failing.

More Power
02-06-2008, 13:06
You may need to check the power & ground lamp circuits. :)


02-09-2008, 20:57
Lights in the radio are not able to be replaced without sending the unit out for repair or exchange. Light in the switches generally are not replaceable except for maybe the headlamp switch? The light in the IPC are soldered to the circuit board and I do believe that they are actually LEDs. IPC is also an exchange item. Hope this helps. :o

02-10-2008, 05:51
As Duramaster pointed out these lights are soldered directly to a circuit board. If you have experience in circuit board repair they can be removed and replaced. The OEM lights in my 03 radio are incandescent bulbs but can be replaced with LED’s by adding a series resistor. Several are out and my intent is to replace them with LEDs (when I get some time). Plan is to measure the voltage that is driving the OEM bulbs then find a suitable LED. From the LED specs and available voltage, the resistor size can be calculated. Since LED’s last much longer than bulbs, this should be a onetime repair. You could also measure the current and voltage drop across a good OEM bulb and try to find one with equivalent size & wattage.

See the last post in the following thread .. member bnmccoy found some replacement bulbs at radio shack that worked.

