View Full Version : tranny shudder?

01-28-2008, 20:33
the truck is a 06 dmax crew cab and the symptoms are this when cruising down the road at 45 let off the accelerator and u get a vibration sometimes. not like a drive shaft prob. that would happen all the time it dosnt do this that often. it seems like the tranny is confused and sort of shudders.the other night i noticed it happening so i very gently applied the throttle and it continued to about 48 mph. has anyone else experienced this?

Mark Rinker
01-29-2008, 05:21
My '06 K3500 had a slip-yoke replaced under warranty - was causing a noise and vibration. Have the dealer also check u-joints and driveshaft balance, they often only shake at certain speeds - almost like a harmonic thing.

01-30-2008, 10:53
well took truck to dealer had them replace steering shaft while it was there.i took the tech for a ride,but i couldnt make the truck do it,so he told me he'd check for a tcm update for the truck. an hour later my phone rings its the dealer turns out there is an update for the tcm and the symptoms are exactly as i desribed. truck goes back thurs. for the update,i'll let u guys know if it helps

02-21-2009, 07:31
Yes, I feel a slight 2-3 second shutter when getting up to speed. It happens around 45-50 MPH though. Then it goes away. I do not feel it at anytime but at that speed. Not sure what it is though. Mine does seem to be more noticeable when the truck is warm as opposed to being cold. But that could be my imagination - I will check and double check it next time I'm out.

02-22-2009, 11:19
well took truck to dealer had them replace steering shaft while it was there.i took the tech for a ride,but i couldnt make the truck do it,so he told me he'd check for a tcm update for the truck. an hour later my phone rings its the dealer turns out there is an update for the tcm and the symptoms are exactly as i desribed. truck goes back thurs. for the update,i'll let u guys know if it helps

if you could please post a # for the "update"..so my service writter will know what im talking about..
my truck does this too. my dealer isnt very forth coming...