View Full Version : just quit

01-27-2008, 06:36
Well I was on my way to pick up a friends old car he bought, original '57 4 door 283 auto. Chev. , drove 250 kl. stopped for lunch, drove couple more kl, missed turn off, so turned around, accelerated, sputter and then quit. Towed to fuel station, topped up tank, 40 L. still nogo, open bleed on filter, water bleed @ front, no fuel, cracked line at lift pump, fuel is there, lift pump is running, changed filter, old one doesn't seem plugged, still no fuel. put 2/3 liter in tank of Polar Max (DSG) and I use PS in every tank. It is about -15C. never done this before. I got code 32 when it first died (EGR). I had leave truck and trailer, and come home no mechanical shop open till Mon. I figure the line between lift pump and filter is froze / plugged. any other Ideas here ? & can someone verify that the fuel shut off is after the filter & before the IP? The truck was running real nice till now.

01-27-2008, 10:03
Were you able to get fuel out the air bleed on top of the fuel filter?

01-27-2008, 15:29
No, there was no fuel at the bleed or water drain tap in the front of the engine. I had some fuel present at the lift pump outlet when I cracked open the line. It was a little cold out on the street to do to much . I left my truck and trailer and a note for the garage mechanic to see Monday morning , will give him a call and hope he can get it running so I can get it Tue. or Wed. Hope he is honest type !!!! He have to plug it in and also charge up the batteries before anything. Sucks big time when your 250 kl. away.

01-28-2008, 07:02
Too cold for me to know much about gelling issues there but getting some fuel out of the lift pump at the lift pump doesn't necessarily answer if its pumping. Because some fuel will drain out of lines and I think can siphon maybe depending on tank level. But everything healthy the IP should be able to pull liquid fuel from tank.

To answer your question there is nothing mechanical wise between lift pump and fuel manager. The Lift pump is flow through on failure design so really nothing to stop fuel from tank to IP except gravity and unless gelled, plugged, or leak to prevent suction. The fuel shut off solenoid is at the inlet to the IP and part of the IP.

01-28-2008, 13:13
Talked to the mechanic ant noon, he said they tryed nother LP, still not getting fuel to speak of, they are going to drop tank, I figure the 'sock' is plugged with stuff. I feared that would be case, lats fill must have had a bunch of cr-p in it , but not saying there was some in tank to begin with and was just the last 'straw' that plugged it. Should find out by end of day. Thanks all.

01-28-2008, 20:18
They got truck running, there was ice build up plugged the 'sock'. Must been lot water in fuel that I got before the trip. I been using Power Service (white) / fuel additive regularly, but guess there was too much h20 this time. The Polar Max bioarmer that I put in after the fact didn't do the trick So guess I will keep a jug of 911Power Service for emergency from now on. I very rarely let my tank get below half, usually only take 50 litres to refill the tank, add 80 ml of additve too. I do park my truck in garage, about 50 C so did most every thing right and still got 'bitten'. sh-t happens I guess!! Hope this helps some else out there from being stranded.