View Full Version : SES code when filter restriced

Mark Rinker
01-24-2008, 06:09
...dealing with severe cold this morning (-12F), brand new filter on 2006 but its set a code again and limited to 2K rpm.

Question: Will this code (and the 2K rev limiter) clear on its own once the truck is warmed up and weather improves, or will it need to be reset with a scan tool to return to normal?

More Power
01-24-2008, 11:18
The few fuel-rail pressure codes I've seen wouldn't clear on their own - unless the ign key was cycled. The one trans code I've seen P0700 needed to be cleared with a scan tool (though more key cycles may have done it).


Mark Rinker
01-24-2008, 12:05
Diesel 9-1-1 saved the day, along with a hillbilly winter front...

01-24-2008, 12:41
What is a hillbilly winter front? A pedestrian?

Mark Rinker
01-24-2008, 14:37
Cardboard. Zip ties. :o

01-24-2008, 17:57
Mark, I know you had an 01'. I have been running power service all winter, no problems, the past 10 days have been brutal here in IA. as I'm sure you know up there in MN. Truck been fine, plugged in last night and started fine this a.m. after driving 7-8 miles the SES came on and she was in limp (nothing over 2000 RPM). I had no choice but to limp her into work (15 miles on I-80). She has sat all day and now I have pulled her into the fire station for the night. Question is did I do any damage limping her 15 miles? Will this code reset itself on my 01'? Do you think it is most likely just a restriction (waxing) of fuel? I have absolutely no other problems, no rough idle no missing, and I was just thinking how nice she was running in the cold when the light came on!!!! Anyone can reply I just know Mark had an 01'...... Any thoughts are much appriciated as I can't afford anymore bills right now! Thanks Shed:)

Mark Rinker
01-24-2008, 18:14
Sounds like the same problem, although I don't recall the SES and limp when the LB7s would plug, just slow and uneven RPMs.

I'd warm the whole thing up, and get a new fuel filter on it.

Were you running the winter front? #1 fuel...but we are probably out of the big cold snap of the winter tomorrow anyway.

01-24-2008, 19:03
My '01 set the SES indicator when it went into the limp mode. Similar circumstances, with -8 deg F temps and the fuel gelled (2K limiter activated). I siphoned out the suspect fuel and got some fresh stuff (also added Power Service). After 3 ignition cycles without any problems, the SES indicator reset and the limiter was gone. A DTC code was logged for massive fuel leak, which remained (later cleared with a Tech 2 scan tool).