View Full Version : Triple Gauge Pillar - EGT/Pyro, Boost and Transmission Temp.

Jochen Woern
01-22-2008, 22:16
Getting ready to get the above mentioned Gauges with Triple Pillar installed this Friday.

I have the following questions for the ones out there using this set up:

1.) How would you install your Gauges from Top to Bottom?

I would assume that the most important Gauge to monitor is the EGT/Pyro, which should therefore be in the middle, since I assume this to be the most visible spot on the Triple Pillar?

I would therefore mount the Gauges in the following order from Top to Bottom:
- Boost
- EGT/Pyro
- Transmission Temp.

ANY OTHER OPINIONS OUT THERE? Would you install the Gauges differently?

Furthermore I would like to know the maximum allowable reading on these Gauges for Best Performance and to keep a healthy Engine:

- Boost
(I think it should be around 6 - 8 psi with the mods I currently have. Once the HEATH Turbo Master and Max-E-Tork is installed, it should be around 10 - 12 psi max.?)

- EGT/Pyro
(I think I read here before the max. should be 1250 degrees, but that depends if pre or post turbo?)

- Transmission Temp
(I think I read here before a max. of 260 degrees? Is this correct?)

Any of your input would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

01-23-2008, 00:15

I installed my guages as follows, top to bottom.


Tranny Temp


The order I chose is the heavest guage is on the bottom, and I did not have a lot of extra wire available to put it higher. The Pyro in that position is perfect for my son to watch while we go up the various grades here in Southern Central Valley. It's really nice for him to call out the temp, or color, which allows me to concentrate on all the other things going on while going up the grades.

I try to keep the pyro temp below 1000 if possible. Short excursions up to 1250 appear to be OK, but I would not spend any time up there. My thermocouple is pre turbo, on the left bank, in the crossover pipe.

Tranny temp is best kept at 180*F or lower. Summer time I'll drift up to about 210*F. Got it over 260*F in Needles,CA last summer while the outside air temp was 117*F.


01-23-2008, 05:09
When i installed mine last year, i put the pyro on top, boost in the middle and trans temp on bottom. With my mechanical IP, i was most concerned about exhaust temp & boost, due to me turning up the IP 1/8 turn or a little more. The trans temp only when towing, so to me it was of least importance.

Jochen Woern
01-23-2008, 07:17
Thanks very much Guys.

01-23-2008, 07:21
When I installed mine, I put the Boost in the top, tranny temp, then the Pyro in the bottom. After driving over a year like this, I noticed that when you put the visor down, you can no longer see the boost gauge very well, if at all. While I was installing a new rear view mirror with temp and compass in October, I changed the tranny and boost gauge around. I like it much better that way.

I don't monitor the tranny temps as much anyways. I only pull our boat (~12,000 lbs loaded) twice a year; to put in the water and to pull it out of the water. The only other time I monitor the tranny temp well is when we drive down to Florida over Spring Break (through the Smokey mountains).

Hope that helps.

01-23-2008, 18:44
I found the same observation as Bill. Figure boost is mostly for troubleshooting whereas the temps are from monitoring.
Here is a pic

01-24-2008, 15:58
From the top down, of course