View Full Version : This Forum Sucks!!!

01-08-2008, 00:01
Yup, I said it! Nothing like having your thread deleted without reason or explanation. WTF! I came here to get help! OH, maybe GM owns this place too.

01-08-2008, 00:15
Deleted? No.

I moved it to the appropriate forum. You asked a question regarding a 1993 4L80 VSS, and posted it in the 2500HD/3500 drivetrain forum (2001+ trucks). It was moved to the 1982-2000 C/K Truck and SUV Chassis and Drivetrain forum. It was not deleted, and a redirect was left in the forum where you posted it. Many of the folks who would offer you the most help with your issue don't read the forum where you posted it. The later trucks don't have a VSS and related components like the 1993. They are very different

This forum may suck, but not because you can't find your thread. I don't think it sucks, but you are entitled to your opinion.

01-08-2008, 01:22
no, a redirect was not left.....
Where is the link to delete a profile?.......mine

01-08-2008, 01:55
A redirect was left. It is the thread that says, " Moved: 4L80 vss help (http://www.thedieselpageforums.com/tdpforum/showthread.php?t=30557)". Anyone clicking on that link will be taken to your thread, anywhere it has been moved to on this bulletin board. Here's a screenshot of the forum page.

The 6th thread is yours. Click it (the link above, not the picture) and see where it takes you....

01-08-2008, 02:09
In any case, mistakes can happen, and posts/threads do get deleted on rare occasions. That did not happen in your case. If it had, it still would have been a mistake. We take every post moderation very seriously. If I (or any Mod/Admin) had deleted your thread intentionally, because "we suck", do think we would be having this exchange now? Most other sites would not have given you the benefit of doubt, and would have banned or deleted you right off. We don't work that way. This site is owned and operated by GM Diesel owners/enthusiasts, not button pushers.

If you don't want to be here, fine. You are welcome to no longer participate. If you would like to get help with your truck, I suggest you reconsider your opinion of TDP.

01-08-2008, 15:08
"Sucks" ????????? This forum has saved myself thousands of $$ over the years and I am sure the majority of other members would tell you the same. Also, all off the contributing members that I have dealt with are polite, professional and very knowledgeable people. If any thread needs to be deleted, I vote for this one here. But, thats just my opinion.

01-08-2008, 15:30
Yep, delete, delete, delete, DELETE some more and send em packing.

01-08-2008, 15:46
That would be easy to do. Too easy, IMO. TDP stands on its own merits, and will withstand criticism. We know we can't please everyone. We do the best we can with what we have.

joe bleaux
01-08-2008, 17:46
I agree, Dmax.

No need to delete him or boot him. Nothing is gained that way. Maybe he will realize that he cannot judge an entire site by his failure to realize that his thread was moved and he overlooked that fact.

Folks of large character realize their mistake and apologize and maybe become great members.


That would be easy to do. Too easy, IMO. TDP stands on its own merits, and will withstand criticism. We know we can't please everyone. We do the best we can with what we have.

01-08-2008, 18:28
Everyone is entitled to a bad day, I myself try to wait for a temper tantrum to subside before hitting the keyboard. A matter of Dignity!

01-08-2008, 18:47
Does someone need a hug?!

More Power
01-08-2008, 23:38
Jaron Lanier writes a monthly column for Discover magazine, and usually discusses the Internet or some other related technical field. A few months back he wrote about the online world, such as chat rooms, blogs, and forums - saying that they can be “sometimes very ugly.” Here are a couple excerpts from that 2-page column.

You could propose that transient anonymity coupled with a lack of consequences is what brings out online idiocy.

So a better portrait of the culprit is effortless, consequence-free, transient anonymity in the service of a goal, like promoting a point of view that stands entirely apart from one’s identity or personality. Call it drive-by anonymity.

Most drive-bys wouldn't post inflammatory comments if everyone reading those comments knew his true identity..... ;)


01-08-2008, 23:47
True, but I wish it read that most people treat every aspect of life as if it was face to face.

I always try to, and that means I try to treat everyone like I like to be treated.

01-09-2008, 00:39
I don't agree, entirely. If a person behaves this way because he thinks he can get away with it, he will do it to your face, if he thinks he can get away with it. The internet exchange is just a way of doing something behind your back, to your [cyber]face. Little dogs bark big behind the big dog. The internet just makes it easier for a person to be "himself".

01-09-2008, 03:49
It's well known that when gang bangers tag a wall or whatever. Reaction? You paint over their tag right away. Same tact applies too attacks (hollow heads) from the dark underbelly of the net except "delete" is necessary in this case IMHO...............................

mr. monte
01-09-2008, 05:46
misunderstandings happen, please take a deep breath, sit back and think about it...please

there is a ton of great information here!!!!

sometimes it takes a little bit to get to know your way around a new forum and their ways, the moderators are just doing their job.

More Power
01-09-2008, 08:54
The internet just makes it easier for a person to be "himself".

So very true... ;)


01-09-2008, 11:11
I will say that this is one of the things that I love about this forum - that for the most part everyone here behaves pretty civilly and honestly. That isn't something that can be said a lot of places on the 'net - unfortunately.

01-09-2008, 13:40
This is just one example of how jumping to conlcusions can be disasterous for a person. A little tact can go a long way in life. If pullindazies would have asked a question or 2 before flying off the handle, who knows, maybe he would be well on the way to a solution to his problem and, consequently, have a positive oppinion of this phenomenal resource.

How about:
"Can someone please tell me what happened to my post?"

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Mark Rinker
01-09-2008, 13:58
I think its just another example of why corporal punishment shouldn't have been removed from schools and discouraged at home. If nothing else, it taught you to hold your tongue - even if you think it!!! :D

01-09-2008, 19:04
I agree with the rest of You. This forum has helped me find stuff out quicker and with less headache to get my 6.5 running. Getting an different insight to a problem you have can help solve what seemed a impossible problem to a quick and sometimes cheap fix. I think pullindazy spoke too soon. You're missing out on a wealth of experience and knowledge.

01-09-2008, 21:24
One wonders about the selection of "sucks" vs. "blows"...:D Anyway, this forum has been very, very helpful to me; although I guess I'd be tagged a diesel "expert", having no experience with the 6.5L TD pretty much erases that. Every engine design has its quirks, and TDP has been very helpful to me.

01-09-2008, 21:52
Well I might as well chime in here too.
I have been hanging around here for a long time and Jim asked me to be a moderator a couple years back.
I can be a real bitch but I save that stuff to do in person and not hide behind a computer screen while I misbehave.

I would think that most people who could have found this or any other forum could have easily seen and figured out the right place to post a particular question.

Hmmmm maybe I am just smarter than some but I dont really think that is the issue here.

I saw the original post come across and also saw that it had been moved to the proper forum where it could get the most attention.

To come here and rant about such a tiny little thing, especially when the intent was to help is beyond my comprehension.

My dad used to put his arm around my shoulder when I was having a snit and comment, "SIS, do you find yourself being and As%Hol$ more and enjoying it" Then he would smile and leave me to stew about it.
Maybe this poor soul was just not enjoying it :D I dont know.

But I guess all we can do is try to help where we can and if we only succeed in sucking thats all we can do HUH :confused:

Hmmmmm just could not resist.

I do hope that poor soul does not take this all too personal and jump off a bridge or some such foolishness.

Missy wipes off her stick after stirring the pot. :)


01-10-2008, 08:06
I agree that this forum has been very helpful to a lot of folks, including me.
The person who expressed his/her opinion negatively likely will not be back, and likely has not seen the level of concern raised by his/her expression of opinion.
Robyn, I believe that you are right on the money regarding the individual!:D

01-12-2008, 22:41
In perspective I am always amazed and humbled by the nature and brilliance of community forums. The fact that this is people helping other people coupled with the anonimity, a great demonstration of the genorosity of the human spirit!

People taking time to type out an answer or opinion is voluntary and it steams me up that someone can take that for granted....

Jim Faire
01-12-2008, 22:58
People taking time to type out an answer or opinion is voluntary and it steams me up that someone can take that for granted....

Ya know, not to disagree with anything you said, but were I a picky type of individual, I would point out that the originator of this thread also "took the time to type out his opinion"...

Now, we happen to not agree with it, but we cannot really argue with it, 'cause it's his.

Just something to think about while we just let him go and carry on, ok?

01-12-2008, 23:11
Ya know, not to disagree with anything you said, but were I a picky type of individual, I would point out that the originator of this thread also "took the time to type out his opinion"...

Now, we happen to not agree with it, but we cannot really argue with it, 'cause it's his.

Just something to think about while we just let him go and carry on, ok?

Yea, perhaps there was something more that could have been done to resolve his hurt feelings.

01-13-2008, 11:15
I would just like to take a second to say THANK YOU to all the moderators that take the time to participate in keeping this forum going. I have gotten so much FREE information, I have saved lots of money and along the way, have made a few friends.
I haven't been spending much time here lately, the truck is running really good (except for the A$$h&%# that t-bone me and caused 5K worth of damage and then drove away) but I do check in just to see what is happening.
So lets rephrase this. Instead of sucking, lets say it has a low pressure area that has been able to draw in some of the most knowlegable people in the world, that are willing to help anybody that wants to post a question.
Thanks people

01-13-2008, 12:10
Gentlemen (and lady:)),

Thanks for all the kind words and support. I consider the matter closed. These things come up from time to time, and all we can do is what we do, with consistency and fairness. We try to keep everyone happy, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. I'd be suspicious if we were able to please everyone. Such is human nature.

Thanks again for supporting TDP!

01-13-2008, 12:35
Yep, from his profile, he hasn't been around since he posted his last comment - which is sort of sad since his question was answered if he'd just bothered to be a little patient instead of flying off the handle...