View Full Version : 6.5 turbo diesel help

bob cheese
01-04-2008, 05:20
hiim from the uk and there are very few folk here who have these veicles i am therefor a bit stuck.i am looking at buying a new fuel pump because my surburban is continuously cutting out ive tried a new filter.but its still the same.sometimes it will go for 100 miles without stalling the next day it will stall 10 times in 50 yards.can anyone offer any advise,plus what is the tool i require to do the timing thanx new member carl

01-04-2008, 05:39
Can you give us some details on your truck mainly what year, and which pump you are looking for BD2 or DS4. then we can try to help you out.


01-04-2008, 06:54
Sounds like a PMD/FSD problem, random stalling...etc. I'd look at that before spending the big bucks on an IP.

01-04-2008, 09:16
Hello and welcome to TDP

Please do tell us if your truck has a mechanical injection pump or the DS4 electronic unit.

The PMD is a very common source of issues on the DS4

Does the truck have the original pump ?? amount of miles/Km on the beast??

Let us know and we will help


01-04-2008, 09:58

Sorry to hear of your problems. You didn't mention if you had an electronic pump or not, but, what you are describing sounds exactly like what happened both times my truck ate the FSD (or PMD).

It was only after the second one that someone recommended the diesel page and I learned about the problems with cooling the FSD.

One FSD with cooler later; no problems!

Hope this helps.

bob cheese
01-04-2008, 11:13
hi,first and foremost can i thank you all for all of your comments and for taking the time to reply.alls i can really tell you is that its a 97/98 gmc surburban i think its a 2500 ive no idea abt what pump it is,the problem occurs hot cold or anytime inbetween.if im on the mway/freeway it will cut out but if i pump the accelerator it will generally kick back in.but at low speed i have to shut down and restart the engine.ps thanks again..carl uk

01-04-2008, 20:55
Had that one too!

While the FSD can cause an engine to cut-out and then run fine, you should also check the oil pressure sender/switch.

In my case we found there was an intermitent open in the sender. When the open would occur the computer thought I had no oil pressure and shut the engine off. At speed the truck would die, but if left in gear would usually fire right back up. WEIRD! At low speeds I would just coast to a stop then re-fire the motor. Must say, many hairs pulled out over that one!

I installed the stand-alone lift pump harness from Kenedy Diesel that uses a second oil pressure switch as an insurance policy against that happening again.

Hope this helps.

bob cheese
01-05-2008, 05:14
another thing the dash comes up with check throttle gauges or something like that.if i do need a pmd can anyone recomend where to purchase 1 thanks