View Full Version : press the gas wont go (HELP)

12-30-2007, 20:49
ok i have looked through each thread and am not finding my probem
when you start it up it acts like its not geting fuel then you mash the gas and it fires reaving the motor hard
once runing it idles fine but when you put it into drive you mash the gas and it will pause for a few seconds than will slowly start to take off. from a dead stop it takes probly a minite to get up to say 30mph
i do not believe it to be the turbo or the transmition
i called Orillys and had them look for some sort of fuel preasure something but they could not find anything

95 CHEVY 6.5 TURBO 154000

12-31-2007, 05:50
The problem could be in the fuel pedal (gas pedal) these trucks are 'fly by wire' with no mecanical linkage from the foot feed to the pump. I under stand that there are 'resistors' located inside the unit and these can go bad, or there may be another electrical problem with the unit. There was talk at the pages awhile ago, about drilling hole in unit and injecting contact cleaner and resealing. Try expanding your search. ( try leaving out the word "GAS", as these are THE DIESEL PAGES lol !!!! I am shure someone will chime in with more info. Good luck.