View Full Version : smokes a little more than usual

12-21-2007, 09:32
i saw some people on here talk about different fuel additives so since i live in michigan i thought i'd give it a try. so i filled up last night and put in the recomended amount of POWER SOURCE additive and awaited to see if it would start easier in the morning like it says it would. i went out this morning and it did indeed start easier, so my ? is that after adding it, it now smokes a little more idleing and while driving it, but not much, so is this do to it cleaning the injectors or is it because of the increese in cetane. thanks again

12-21-2007, 11:54
If it changes at all, it should be smoking less. Perhaps you are just noticing it more, or some other condition has changed. The injector cleaning theory could be happening, but it is usually not that profound, and occurs over a long period of time. What concentration are you adding? For the first time, and occasionally thereafter (every LOF service or ~5K miles), I suggest adding a 2 to 4 X dose. A normal dose of PS (summer/gray or winter/white bottle) is 8 oz. per 25 gallons. A maximum dose is 16 oz. per 25 gallons. A shock/service dose is 32 oz. per 25 gallons. I've used PS additives for years now with noticeably positive results.

12-22-2007, 08:08
i got the winter formula and added about 8 oz. to my full tank. it is possible that i am just noticing for more smoke, but it does seem to run a little smoother. this morning when i started it up, it didn't smoke as much as it did, and while driving it does smoke less.