View Full Version : Un-used electricial connector??????

01-24-2006, 03:38
While upgrading some items over the weekend and changing out the fuel filter. I discovered an electricial connector (gray, 4 prong) at the back of the engine compartment behind the wires routed there. There was no cap on it and I did not see any thing that was unplugged. It does not belong to any of the connectors that are on the bracket where the fuel filter is. My engine runs fine, no error codes. Just trying to figure out what this connector is for and if I am the only one that has this problem.

I installed the KD FSD remote cooler behind the left light and the KD headlight booster. Both of those upgrades were well worth it. Cooling upgrade this weekend. smile.gif

Thanks for the help.

Barry Nave
01-25-2006, 03:05
Yea mine is the same also. Did'nt think much of it.

01-25-2006, 16:14
Many (most) model years use the same wire harness for Diesel equipped vehicles, as was for gassers. The "prescribed" precedure on the assembly line for most of the years was to either tuck away, or terminate the unused wires. It's not uncommon to find some that were overlooked. Some years, there was no precedure for dealing with these. If you find a connector with no mate, it's likely this is the case. But.....Just to be sure, check closely to ensure something didn't come loose. If you have a diagram, you can confirm whether it attaches to something or not.