View Full Version : Weld, JB Weld or replace water crossover pipe

11-22-2007, 21:29
The cooling system crossover pipe on my 82 GMC 6.2 has a broken mount. I am having a terrible time finding a replacement and it is holding me up from making this project vehicle drivable. Does anyone have experience repairing this kind of a part? Is JB Weld all it is cracked up to be for this kind of application? Should I track down someone who can weld or is the only answer to scour the world until I find the part?

I have pictures of the broken part at http://www.stevemedcroft.com/2007/11/what_am_i_supposed_to_do_with.html .

Thanks for your help and advice.

11-22-2007, 22:16
Welcome to the Forums!

No JB weld for that. JB is good stuff, but won't work there.

If you can find a good welder, it will work, but will very likely be temporary. The surface will have to be lapped flat, and will probably last until you find a replacement part. Use a good sealer and don't overtighten it. A temporary light radiator cap (5#, or leave yours loose) would also help to nurse it along. You're in luck, though. It's not hot out (or shouldn't be, depending on where you are), so the strain on the cooling system should be minimal. Keep that in mind and don't let it boil over.

11-23-2007, 07:56
I have an extra here at the Ranch in a box of 6.2/6.5 parts.

I will make you a deal.
$25 and the shipping. Now there were a few different units used over the years so the hose location might be ????????????? but hose is cheap.

Let me know or you can call me on my cell (503) 784-3821


11-23-2007, 09:05
Thanks for your replies. I will definitely take that offer to buy your spare. I will call today when I can get a moment away from work.

11-23-2007, 12:12
Much better option. Robyn is way better than JB Weld or welding.