View Full Version : transmission fluid leaking

11-18-2007, 17:41
i've got an 82 gmc 1500 pickup with the 6.2 diesel
it's developed a transmission fluid leak right where the tranny meets the engine
the tranny fluid is clean so i think it's just a seal.
any idea how much this will cost to repair??
i am assuming the tranny needs to be dropped for this

11-18-2007, 21:52
Yep. Tranny comes out. If it isn't a pump housing crack (rare, but it happens), you could get away with a seal (and perhaps a speedy sleeve for the shaft) and bearing (bushing). Could also be the torque converter or TC shaft. Could be a pump bolt backed out. Hard to tell w/o getting eyeballs on it.

Before pulling the tranny, try to locate the leak. You can pull the lower cover, get it up to temp, and clean it up with brake cleaner. Many times, you can see where the leak is coming from. Either way, cleaning it up like that will show a fresh trail when you get it out. Pull the tranny with the TC still attached or you will get fluid all over, making it impossible to locate it right off. Good luck!

Cost varies (greatly), depending on what you find.