View Full Version : truck doesn't start

11-11-2007, 21:58
I've got problem since it's getting colder, first my GmC didn't start because bad glow plugs, I changed it to 60G, next I replaced 2 batteries, in meantime starter went out, I replaced it... right now engine cranks, but there is no glow plugs light, no start either; when GP controller worked (gp light OK) truck didn't start easily only heated; I'm tired of it; right now my truck is sitting for a while and I think about replacing fuel pump and GP relay...

11-12-2007, 20:54
compression test or cylinder leak down test would be a good place to start.

11-20-2007, 14:56
I read your post the other day and thought how I was just one step behind you. At that point my starter was marginal at best. This AM, yep you guessed it. Click, no start. The heavy gauge wire coming from the starter to the solenoid has given up it's hold on life and will not (no matter how many times I curse its existence and wrap bailing wire around it) stay on the housing. Time to tear it off, hit it with a hammer, and go to the junk yard to meet nice people who want dearlership prices for yardsale stuff...

I love my salvage yards but they never give me anything for free. Who would have thought...

Keep the faith, at $3.19 a gallon all I have is my faith...


11-21-2007, 05:24
I ran into the same problem a while back and found that wiggling the hot (red) wire in the top front of the injection pump made the glow plug light and glow plugs start working. I olny put up with tis for so long before having the pump fixed. Just a shot in the dark.

Vaughn MacKenzie
11-21-2007, 14:00
Keep the faith, at $3.19 a gallon all I have is my faith...


Wow where do you find diesel that cheap . . . that's what we were paying around here for the last year or so until the price spiked. Cheapest station now is $3.77, most are in the $3.80s.

11-21-2007, 14:40
The beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia! A shell station down the road had it listed last week for $3.19. I went there right after posting and guess what...plastic bag on the handle, they ran out...shortly after the starter gave up living.
