View Full Version : 'Jerky' oil pressure gauge

Mark Rinker
10-31-2007, 07:05
High mile 2002 has good oil pressure, but gauge no longer operates in smooth, sweeping motion - rather, it jumps in 30-40# increments in either direction when climbing or dropping.

Replace OPS, or gauge? If the gauge, can the cluster be pulled from a wreck and maintain correct mileage - or would you replace only that gauge?

10-31-2007, 08:43
Put an ohm meter on the OPS output and monitor it. If it is bad, the meter should show the wild swings. If it has a smooth transition, replace the cluster. If you happen upon a used cluster, you can replace just the gage, but you aren't supposed to be able to. It will take some creative skill. You can send the cluster to a repair place (Robyn, I think, mentioned one that does this) and have the cluster repaired. Also, it may be a resistor on the gage causing the problem like older models, but I haven't looked into it, so it may not. If so, it would be a simple fix, just replace the resistor.