View Full Version : Dah! Just Ran out of fuel - Almost?

10-27-2007, 17:17
So it's my 2nd day trip in the 6.2 RV.

In short I'm positioning the truck backing & forward to unload her in the front of the house & she dies - She has never died - Runs like a charm- (Yes my fuel gauge is jiggy)

I have yet to try & even turn the engine over again ,even once.

Again it died like if you had a poorly tuned car and you were moving a car forward & back to park & she dies- ( I said rut-ro)

So I've put 5 gallons of diesel in -
I thought before I make my next move I'd check in with you guys-

I've heard to crack the injector lines to get the air out-

But should I try ? what next ? Just try to crank her again?

What shouldn't I do? (I thumped the tank & she was hollow before I added the 5 gallons) :o

I'm inclined just to try & crank her again- she has ony a manual fuel pump-
Thanks !

10-27-2007, 17:35

Unplug the lareg pink wire from the IP and then remove the fuel delivery hose from the filter that goes to the IP.
Have an assitant crank it until you get air free fuel coming from the hose.
Reconnect the hose and plug the IP back in (large pink wire)

Glow it and give it a go.

Do not crank it with the IP hooked up until you have air free fuel going to the IP.
It will still take a little to get it running and it will surge a fool around a little but in a short it should run fine again.
If the filter/ filters have not been done in a while, perfect time to do it.

Good luck and let us know


10-27-2007, 19:05
Did exaclty what you said -

On the van I had to remove the air cleaner & the pink wire to solenoid was easy to get to-
When I pulled the hose off the of the fuel filter going to the IP it was but barely dripping-

I was able to squeeze a shot glass under neath & at first she was rather bubly -after 4 shots (didn't drink em) she seemed pretty clear-

She's still pretty warm from the trip so ther was no glow- cranked her 1-3 times maby 10 secounds - starts & them smooths out-

Mucho Grande Thanks!!!!!!!