View Full Version : Letting my truck sit.

10-04-2007, 23:13
I work offshore on a ship in the Gulf of Mexico and my truck sits in a parking lot for 2 weeks without being run. Is there any problems that may arise from this? Just wondering if there is something I should be doing to it.

10-05-2007, 00:06
Two weeks is no problem. You may want to disconnect the batteries. Your truck (modern supercomputer) is never really "off". If you do this on a regular basis (sounds like it), a battery disconnect would be a better idea. The side terminal batteries can have issues even if you leave them alone. In cold temps, keeping the fuel tank full will reduce condensation (water in fuel). A real good wax job would hurt, even if it's stored indoors. Keep your tires up to the highest rated pressure to help with flat spotting. If you might have a problem with rodents or other pests, well, that's another list.

Mark Rinker
10-05-2007, 05:42
Rodents nesting was my first thought. Keep a box of scented dryer sheets in your truck, toss a few fresh ones under and behind the seats to keep them out. (This is a successful boaters winterization trick up here in Minnesota, and it works.)

Every new VW from the factory comes with a suction-cup, inside the windshield 12V solar panel trickle charger that plugs into the cigarette lighter or OBDII port. The dealers remove them, and many end up on Ebay, like these:
