View Full Version : Reviving the dead

09-21-2007, 13:25
I bought my 1990 6.2L suburban three years ago. Drove it only 20 miles and next time I used it the main wiring harness behind the engine block melted down. I suspect squrriels had something to do with it. Before the melt down it would blow alot of black smoke. I thought it was the EGR valve, so I replaced the intake manifold with a "J" model.
Finally I have finished splicing the wiring back together and got it running again. Now however, It still blows alot of Black smoke from the left side ( the one I can see easily) and it seems to miss fire just slightly in time with the smoke. When trying to get it started I noticed Black smoke chuffing out of the exhaust pipe. I figure the injectors must be leaking. Does anyone have any suggestions besides pulling the injectors? Thanks.

09-21-2007, 19:55
Injectors or the IP

The injectors are easy to pull and have tested.

Be sure the air filter is clean and the little fuzzy creatures have not set up house keeping in the air cleaner.

I had a customer long ago with a Blazer that was tossing billowing clouds of smoke. I yanked the air filter off and found a squirrel living in the filter housing. :eek:

Cleaned that all out and evicted the rodent and all was well.

Look for the cheap fixes first then go after the injectors then the IP.

Good luck
