View Full Version : My New 6.2 :)

09-15-2007, 12:18
You' all see me on & off again over the years mostly when I've got trouble-
Well my old Blazer thanks to you guys just keeps running- I still can't get over she cranks w/o glowing the plugs
Any way Tuesday I go to pickup My new 6.2 - I did a History Report & she apeared to be Gov't owned which may justify the low mileage- and a walk away clause just in case-

My 6.5 has actually been a been a good rig but I disike the electonic hassels. So the burban will go to the auto trader when I bring this one home! A family of 4 children- we'll have a little more elbo room!

Gonna have to go bio too!

Here's the link :


Anyone ever seen this beast before or know about her?

PS did negotiate the final $ & inside needs a little TLC

09-16-2007, 08:37

09-19-2007, 15:16
SO She's home in my driveway - I arrived for the inspection to see the battery charger under the hood and a warm motor-

She wouldn't crank over- I had 1 hour before the tag office closed-

The short of it was the present seller new nothing of the 2nd battery behind the seat of the passenger side (Van). It was the usual corrosion terminal syndrome as well as at the after market battery on / off switch.

The seller was somewhat mechanicaly inclined but he was not dieselized by the vast knowledge here. I cleaned all the the terminals & he gave me a newer battery out of his garage.

The plugs didn't even cycle & she started in a snap from then on time & time again.

Receipts show she is a Champion ordered by the state of Louisiana "Mobile command Post" written on an envelope packed full of receipts and the build sheet from the dealer - delete the luxury seats on the starboard side, paint delete & many up grades. A turbo 400 & she seem to wind a little higher than i like going down the road. But she purred like a kitten at 55-60 in the interstate.

Topped of the fuel, Sonny's barbecue and a wink or two at the rest stop we got home at 2AM-

I went to crank her at about 10 am, not slugish- but a few tries & she fired right up & ran smoth as a kitten I really just started her up to move her back more in the drive way-

So at 4PM I jump in her to do a mail you know- new toy-

& the batteries seem to drag in short -the batteries ran right down-
One thing I noticed is the plugs didn't glow very long, -

I did think the alternater was charging high all the way home last night but I don't remember what that means I'm operating on very little sleep- Not taking a charge?- (I didn't clean the smaller wires going to the battery when I got her started)

My next steps-

1. Throughly check all battery contacts. / test batteries.

2. Check Glow plugs - I've got some new 60's in the shelf-

3. Try to remember how I hooked up the manual glow on my 82 Blazer & do it here.

I am tickled to death over this purchase. I have seen nothing to lead me to believe she doesn't have actual mileage-

Thanks Diesel Page for all the help over the years. If it weren't what I learned here I would have walked away from her yesterday-

PS - My starter on my 82 once started & never stopped frying alot of stuff- I'm glad this one has the battery Kill!

I'll let you know my progress!

09-20-2007, 21:53
Congrats on the new purchase!

Looks like a REALLY nice van/RV, should be pretty good on fuel and be a joy on trips cause you'll have everything and everyone you'll need with you.

For the starting issues do as you've started, it's possible that you have a dead or dying battery in the circuit.

If you're really having issues with the battery, in that you find one that is not up to par when tested, I suggest replacing them as a pair and cleaning/repairing the cable ends while you're servicing the batteries.

For the glow plugs, check them all, if you've got the 60's on the shelf and you have the 9g's in the engine (very likely), I'd go ahead and replace them, no more expense at this point, and you have a fresh starting ground for been there done that.

Well, over and out!


09-21-2007, 17:47
I just did a little more cursory terminal tighening & Voila-
Plenty of battery- I'll eventually R & R them by the DP standard-

The 60G's from Italy went in today - cold starts; start right up! :D

Noticed a little sweating around fuel filter block?

Alot a little things to figure out-

Roof AC- Generator, fridge, gas stove I think their all dual propane or electric-
Again tonight used her for grocery shopping & errands -:p

The shifts hit hard & high like my I made my old 71 Vet shift- Can I back off the screw in the modulator in this one too to make her shift earlier?

Anyone need a burban?;)

10-16-2007, 17:29
First day trip logged about 100 miles around the Tampa Bay Area A stop at Dino World in Plant City Gotta see a 2.5 year old with a pink sword chasen all the 20' fiberglass dino's around-

Anyway the RV ran flawless I plugged the air bleeder on the fuel filter till I can up grade her-

Question: I got the AC belt nice & tight, about 15 minutes into the ride I noticed at about 35mph she started to slip intermitantly-

1. Add Oil to System? / Freon?


2. Put a New compressor on she's the long one. (A6?)

3. Take of the twine & use a Dyaco belt? I've not had much problem with the Blazer but I seem t remember some of ya'll having belt problems in the past

10-17-2007, 07:22
Dayco Top-Cog is what I've been using and works well, as it's actually the specified OEM that came on these trucks.

Getting v-belts tight in a van is tough, but it should stay tight, how tight is it that it slips now?

The A6 is a big compressor, so it takes a bit to turn it over.


10-19-2007, 14:22

Check the vacuum from you vacuum pump to the transmission. I was having similar problems. Only wanted to shift into 3rd gear above 35mph. What I found was the vac pp was only drawing 5-10" Hg and the guage needle was wildly swing between the two numbers. The vac pp should be above 20"Hg, and real steady.


11-30-2007, 10:54
Thanks for the response on the Tranny-

I hopped in her 5pm Thanksgiving Day with WIFI & got away for a 6 day vacation for the first time on yearssssssss- !

Logged over 1200 miles

Anyway the alternator belt was a pain so I tighened her in Russelville-AL I'm going to up grade first chance- otherwise energizer bunny & maybe used 1/4 -1/2 quart of oil;

I got between 9.9 & 13.1 MPG- & ran her on the average of 50 - 60 MPH
She's wound tight- ! sure would like Overdrive